Powerful Reasons Why Community is Important for All Believers

The mission of UNCOMMEN is this: we exist to encourage men to be better Leaders, Husbands, and Dads by equipping individuals and organizations with inspiring and educational resources. Our vision is to help men succeed at being the man they were always meant to be. We hope to teach you the power of community.

Why is it important to belong to a community?

But one of the challenges we see is that many men are doing life alone. Movember Foundation, which focuses on men’s health and wellbeing, carried out a survey with the help of YouGov investigating friendship and loneliness amongst men. The results are alarming, with only 11 percent of single men across the spectrum in their early 20s to late-middle age saying they had a friend to turn to in a time of crisis, the number rising to 15 percent for married men.

Let’s change that trend.

Men, if you want to live a UNCOMMEN life, it’s time to band together. The truth is we were made to live in the community. Living in the community helps us win.

We don’t believe in berating men. Instead, we focus on challenges. Though rebuke and criticism are needed in some cases, we find that people respond far better to being challenged to greater faith and obedience. Are you with us?

Learn the power of community.

We challenge you every week, but when’s the last time you gave yourself a challenge or even had your family participate in a challenge together? We hope that you’ll take this week to take a moment and consider where you’re weak in faith and find ways to challenge yourself to be a better husband, dad, or leader in your family and community.

And be encouraged by the steps you are taking; results aren’t always apparent, but when we are consistent, they soon appear! We are reminded in Hebrews 10:24-25 — “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”


About the Author: Sam Casey is the Managing Partner at Banyan Creative.

For more reading materials concerning community and the church, we recommend reading these 2 articles:

  1. The Great Summer Exodus
  2. Back to the Huddle



  1. Paul

    Thanks…such an important reminder. My go-to is to isolate while stressed. I need more brothers in my life.

    • Tj Todd

      Amen! We all do

  2. Dennis

    Amen! Iron sharpens Iron.

  3. Jim Gill

    It’s so easy, almost natural, for men to run to their “cave” in an isolated plan to work through things that come against them. Of course, that would be the reaction of the carnal nature; we don’t need anybody— we can take care of this all by ourselves. I’ve found that I need YOU, (whoever that YOU is in my life), to help me get through some things when I struggle. This involves my becoming vulnerable to YOU as I reveal my innermost struggles, trusting YOU to help me through prayer, encouragement, Scripture, etc., to be an overcomer through the power of YOUR friendship/brotherhood. It doesn’t lessen my manhood to come to YOU for help! If we could only open up to one another…..! We can! Through the power of the Holy Ghost working in us! I ask YOU, if God be for us, who can be against us?

    • Gene

      I just read your reply and just wanted to say thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Dying to pride is a hard thing to do for men, but when we do we are free to love the way God intended us to. Sometimes we have to love ourselves enough to ask a brother for help. It gives the other person an opportunity to share there love as well. God tends to always show up in those moments and is faithful in pouring out His blessings. We all need each other.

  4. Joshua Turner

    Life has challenges every single day. Most of them are relational. Wives, kids, relatives, co-workers, and even the people you pass by during your day. But one relationship that does not have to be a challenge because it is a gift is our relationships with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Our faith comes from grace given to us by God the Father. Our salvation is a sacrifice given to us by Jesus Christ, and our comforter/helper leads us in our daily lives which is the Holy Spirit. They are what gives us all we need to have healthy and successful relationships with all those we love(which should be everyone) and care for. Those relationships can definitely be a challenge at times, we rely on our Heavenly Father first. Thank God he has placed a brother in my life who help holds me accountable. Indeed Iron sharpens iron.

  5. Philip

    This really speaks to exactly where I’m at and I believe where the Lord is leading me too. Thank you for sharing this!


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