Taking Care of Your Health

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So, glorify God in your body.

It was the Spring of 2013. My wife was in the hospital for at least the fifth time. Some months earlier, she had suffered a stroke for no apparent reason. Thirty-six years old, relatively healthy, mother of four. The doctors were at a loss as to the exact cause, but all we knew was that every couple of weeks, she would experience debilitating fatigue and occasional migraines that gave the appearance of another stroke. Whenever these hit, we knew the drill. Lay down flat, pray, and wait to see if the inability to talk or feel her left side would go away within a minute.

Taking Care of Your Health

If she struggled much more than that, we would go to the ER. But, unfortunately, we learned over the months that doctors don’t play with former stroke victims. Every episode turned into an all-inclusive stay in the “luxurious” hospital room for a not-so-restful 24-48 hours. You’ve probably stayed at this sort of resort before- where they serve the worst food, wake you up multiple times in the middle of the night, have four different people come in and ask you the same questions that are in your chart, and then tell you results are negative. Still, they want you to come back in a week for more tests. Then you get the bill. Whoa! All of that for the price of a week in Hawaii!

During this season, both my wife and I started taking our health seriously. It was just a couple of months before her stroke that I started going to the gym, and we had adjusted our diet. I was 30 lbs heavier back then and uncomfortable with my physical appearance and emotional health. Then, SOMETHING AWOKE IN ME when I started working out with my buddy, Josh Elmore. The athlete from high school, the physically disciplined kid from college, the competitor, was alive again. Then the stroke happened.

When my wife was resting in her hospital bed, I had a choice. Do I stick to my newfound discipline of working out hard for about 15 minutes three times a week, or do I use these overwhelming circumstances as an excuse to give up my goals? Should I eat the extra piece of cake that the nurse would bring to me, or do I resolutely (or reluctantly) say, “no thanks, I’m reducing my sugar and carb intake.” Do I sit in the room for hours, though working, and simply sit and watch TV, or do I choose to take the stairs, walk outside, and pray while walking around the building? Pray for my wife, pray for my three girls and boy, pray that these hospital bills somehow get taken care of.

That was easily the most challenging season of my life. I fear losing my best friend. The terrifying thoughts of raising my children without their mom. The paralyzing uncertainty of taking care of my family with the mountains of medical debt accumulating. Two things got us through that season—prayer and taking care of my body. I couldn’t change my wife’s condition; that was out of my hands. The best I could do was take care of my body and emotional health to stay strong for my family. I chose pushups, crunches, mountain climbers, planks, wall-sits, burpees, and not to eat cake. It helped.

Uncommen Questions

Have you considered how taking care of your body can help you better care of your family?

What is one minor thing you can change in your health to benefit yourself and your family?

What is one major thing you can change in your health to benefit yourself and your family?

Uncommen Challenge

I challenge us all to do both (minor and major) adjustments, as it will benefit our families in more ways than one.


  1. Tim

    Good article, hope your family is doing well!

    • Tj Todd

      Thank you, the family is doing well. Pray yours is as well – Stay Uncommen

  2. Mike

    This devo was perfect timing. I’m struggling with finding a good routine that fits among the busyness of work and church and family. Many days, I just wanna throw in the towel out of frustration. Thanks for the reminder of how important this is!

    • Tj Todd

      Mike, thank you for the comment. I too understand the struggle. Being a desk jockey it’s hard to get in steps, workout or cardio. It’s got to be before I go to work and that has its challenges. So, I understand the frustration. Stay Uncommen

  3. Miguel

    Amazing Article , I have been trying to loose weight and get of the medications . It seem some times impossible. I workout and nothing the scale is still the same . But I haven’t given up because I know that it’s helping with my mental health. I trust god that things will change.

  4. David Robinson

    Great article and encouragement! Thank you! I just shared with my son who is 8 hours away from home with his wife and new preemie baby who has to stay in NICU for the summer. Prayers for you and your wife and family! May God give you peace that passes understanding!


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