Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Who You Are Becoming

When I was a boy, my father would often repeat the saying to me: “Choose your friends wisely.  Because that’s who you will become.”    In youth, we are often told that hanging out with the wrong crowd will get us in trouble. And on the flip side, we should seek out...

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The Way Back is the Way Forward

For as long as I can remember, I have loved historical documentaries. At times it feels like I could get lost in the stories told by Ken Burns, or the books written by David McCullough. As a little boy growing up in Virginia, I went on field trips to old Civil War...

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Put Down The Phone

Hey! Put your phone down right now! (well, at least if you are reading this right before bedtime.) I’m sure you’ve heard the recent news that using screens before bedtime can mess with your sleep patterns in a big way, and have an adverse impact on your health, but...

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Uncommen Habits: Saying the Hard Thing

Have you ever felt deep down in your gut that you are supposed to say something hard to someone, and you aren’t sure how they are going to receive it? Maybe it’s a warning to a friend who is involved in some unhealthy habits. Maybe it's a co­worker that’s out of line....

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The Power of No

Imagine driving down a country road to your destination. The radio is on, and you are enjoying some fresh air until you notice the temperature gauge on the engine is rising slowly. Then the temperature warning light comes on, but you keep driving knowing you will take...

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Men and Competition

We are a very competitive nation; from our sports, to our business, to our hunting activities, and even our politics, we compete in many facets. We find ways of measuring everything from the size of car engines to deer racks. America is one giant competitive engine in...

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