Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Thank God for Katrina

Thank God for Katrina

I know that title could create confusion and even anger in others. But having gone through Katrina and come out the other side, that is what we came away with. It was August 21, 2005, and I was in my 11th annual review with Winnie, my boss. We got out of the meeting,...

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20 Minutes of Prayer

20 Minutes of Prayer

We had just come home from the hospital with our son Joshua. I could see the look on my wife’s face; she was glowing and happy to be home after the hospital stay. We spent the next couple of months learning to be parents to a newborn baby that didn’t seem to come with...

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Stop Chasing the Myth

Our lives are full of myths. Old wives’ tales. Superstitions. Here a few of the more popular myths. - Most of your heat is lost through your head. - Gum takes seven years to digest. - Sugar causes hyperactivity in kids (really?). - Lightning never strikes twice. -...

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Body Maintenance Takes Hard Work

A few years ago I was 245 pounds, didn’t sleep well, had high blood pressure, and couldn’t tie my shoes without getting out of breath. The lie that I told myself was that I was comfortable. I justified my body to myself as normal because I was getting older.  It was a...

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7 Things You Don’t Want to Hear About Civic Duties

“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and...

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What Your Wife Really Wants for Valentine’s Day

I recently polled a few wives at the carpool line at pickup for my kid's school and asked them what they really wanted for Valentine’s Day this year. Their answers may surprise you as they did for sure surprise me. One woman, in particular, said she really doesn’t...

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