Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

The Place of Safety

I remember when I was a child – my mother raising four children on her own, taught us how to read a clock early. Her reason for teaching us to tell the time was that we were to give her a half hour of rest so that she could relax from the stresses of work before we...

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Producing Healthy Fruit

As an avid gardener, I am usually concerned about the health of my plants. Am I giving them the right nutrients? Is the plant pot bound and needs to be moved into a different one? Do they need pruning? My neighbor has a very prolific lime tree. Yet, each year, the...

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In Sickness and in Health

I recently had the unpleasant experience of my husband being ill for nearly two years. He was diagnosed with an abdominal hernia, the symptoms of which escalated rapidly from the onset of diagnosis. Because his work included lifting heavy weights, I tried to show him...

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Adam, Where Art Thou

In Genesis 3:6, God asks this question of Adam. I do not believe that He asked because He did not know where Adam was, but rather to bring Adam to a confession of his current state. It is in the acknowledging of your current state that you can identify what needs to...

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Romance Your Wife

You know your wife wants romance, and you probably know you should try a little harder. But it doesn’t always come naturally. When you were dating, your romantic and creative side meant flowers, love notes, and chocolates. But after the honeymoon is over, and the...

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Mark Your Calendar With The Things That Matter

Your calendar matters. I was scrolling through pictures on my iPhone last week and cleaning out some old photos to make room for new ones. As I was selecting images to purge, I found myself noticing how much my children have grown over the last two years. I found a...

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