Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Uncommen Goals: How to Communicate with Your Spouse

Uncommen Goals: How to Communicate with Your Spouse

I’ve been married 30 years, and through those years I’ve seen all kinds of marriages around me. I’ve seen people that have been together for 40+ years that are really bad examples of marriage. I’ve seen people married for three months and it looks like they’ve been...

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Uncommen Goals: Dads

Uncommen Goals: Dads

Okay, Dad, it’s time to put away the Christmas sweaters and get ready for the start of the year. Your wife may be talking about starting a new diet as a family, and your employer may want to you to turn in what your objectives are for the first quarter. But we would...

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Uncommen Goals for 2018

Uncommen Goals for 2018

It’s goal setting season, which prompts an important question. Do you know the difference between a goal and a dream? Dream: I want to lose 20 pounds, so I’m going on a diet. Goal: I’m going to lose 20 pounds by July 1st by changing what I eat and exercising three...

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What It Takes To Run a Non-Profit We’re glad you asked! Many times throughout the year we get approached by people wanting to help further the reach of Uncommen and help us reach men around the world. The amount of encouraging feedback we receive from people is...

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4 Great Times for Daily Physical Touch with Your Spouse

4 Great Times for Daily Physical Touch with Your Spouse

Touch is a language that all people seem wired to understand. Today, we'll find 4 great times for physical touch with your spouse. And it’s imperative in the marriage relationship. Remember when you were first dating your wife? If you’re like me, it was electric....

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Patience is the Key

Patience is the Key

If you could improve one area in your fatherhood journey…what would it be? For a lot of dads, they want to be more patient. When experienced dads are asked about becoming a father, a common theme that comes up is the importance of patience. There is nothing like a...

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