The burden of guilt can be cumbersome, often debilitating, and the enemy will do everything in his power to continually remind you of your wrongdoings. It is a straightforward tactic, really: the worse you feel about the things you have done, the less likely you are...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
UNCOMMEN Challenge: Share the Gospel
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Why Perspective Is Important For Your Marriage
Do you ever have what people like to call tunnel vision? It’s the human condition. We all struggle with this, but we need to consider why perspective is important our lives, especially for our marriages. It can change a lot. “Have you eyes of flesh? Do you see as man...
How to Please Your Wife In A Sacrificial Way
As husbands, we are all about pleasing our wives. Sometimes, this can be framed as the center of our existence. We are told to live to serve our wives. Unfortunately, our mindsets can sometimes drift towards the self. Sometimes it’s difficult to know how to please...
3 Tips on How to Understand Your Wife
He was sitting on the couch, angry, trying desperately to communicate with his wife. They had never really learned how to fight well. Neither did they communicate well during tense situations. They didn’t even remember what they were fighting about, but they could not...
Selfishness is the Root of Sin and it Destroys Relationships
What causes nearly all sin in someone’s life? The root of sin usually starts with selfishness. Your desires, wants and needs are the first priority and you’ll do anything to achieve those things first. Ephesians 5:13 – “But when anything is exposed by the light, it...