Raising children Biblically… really easy to think about and considerably more difficult to put into practice. We need the Lord’s help to be Godly parents who raise Godly children. In honor of her 22nd birthday this week, please let me describe my beautiful daughter. I...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
1 Essential Piece of Advice For Early Marriage
I became a father on June 26, 1993, when our oldest daughter was born. At every wedding I have attended since that day, I have waited to hear a preacher ask, “Who gives this bride?” It is my favorite part of most weddings. I cherish the relationship I have been...
How To Be Righteous When Arguing
The breakfast was delicious! The two men had returned on the subway, one from a workout, the other from his church. They began a conversation, had some things in common, and decided to grab breakfast. The conversation went well for about ten minutes, and then...
Some Thoughts on How To Reconcile Relationships
They were driving down the expressway on their way to work. He usually dropped his wife off downtown, then went to his job. They were talking about an issue he was having with someone. He was not happy and was going to take action. His wife, tiring of his ranting,...
To Fear God Means To Be In Awe of His Might and Goodness
Some time ago, a journalist was interviewing a televangelist who was serving time in prison. He asked the man, “How did you get here? Didn’t you love God?” and the minister said, “Oh, yes, I loved God. I just didn’t fear him.” What happened? And how? David explains in...
A Relationship With God Is What You Were Made For
I am not sure about you, but just reading the scripture below, I can honestly confess here today that I often fail at love! There is, however, some good news. Once you understand the source of real, genuine, unconditional love, you will realize that the LOVE the...