Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Fathers, Do Not Provoke Your Children

Fathers, Do Not Provoke Your Children

Provoke… The word itself sounds exhausting. Ephesians 6:4 — "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."   I Provoke My Children When I read this verse, I thought maybe Paul meant to tell...

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How You Can Be The Best Grandpa

How You Can Be The Best Grandpa

What do I owe my grandchildren? Deuteronomy 4:9. Notice the 'no-nonsense' tone in these words from Moses – take care, use diligence, don't be forgetful, or get sidetracked. These indicate the need for a deliberate and purposeful plan for us as husbands/dads/grandpas....

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Overprotective Parenting Habits

Overprotective Parenting Habits

This is what overprotective parenting habits are doing to your child! A parent's duty to a child is to give them love, to care for them, and to keep them safe. However, parents in trying to keep kids safe, often go to extreme lengths. This duty can have detrimental...

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Talk With Your Children Individually

Talk With Your Children Individually

My daughter (15) is going through a tough time at school. She fancies a boy but is often at odds with him, and has moved friendship groups to be with the "cool girls." She hasn't entirely burned her bridges with her old friends, but it's a trying time for her and us...

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How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

When our kids become adults, they could look back at this crisis as the best moment of their lives. However, this isn’t going to happen on its own. Fathering requires intentionality and proximity. This virus gives us an opportunity for both. Here's how to be...

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Your Kids Learn in the Details

Your Kids Learn in the Details

The older I get, the more I am amazed at how my grown children mimicked my attitudes when they were young. I'll never forget what my daughter told me about how I influenced her eating habits. When she was young, I didn't tell her that she had to eat everything on her...

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