We have supportive information listed in the video description. Be sure to hit that subscribe and notification button and leave us a comment below. If you could improve one area in your fatherhood journey…what would it be? For a lot of dads, they want to be more...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
Raising Children Biblically By Honoring Them
Raising children Biblically... really easy to think about and considerably more difficult to put into practice. We need the Lord's help to be Godly parents who raise Godly children. In honor of her 22nd birthday this week, please let me describe my beautiful daughter....
9 Ways You Can Practice Active Parenting
Do you practice active parenting? Or, are you content with the view from afar? This thought piqued some curiosity. Here's a question we asked the UNCOMMEN Community recently... What is the most recent milestone you've seen your child accomplish? We received a wide...
Practicing Christian Discipline and Godly Parenting
Do you remember how you felt when your kids were born? The best day imaginable. You watch as you nurture this human being into someone capable of leaving, which you know will break your heart, but it's your job. You would not trade them for anything. It may have taken...
How to Enjoy Parenting At Every Stage
Are you a parent? Wanting to be one? Well, hear it from a seasoned father. Enjoy every moment, including the painful ones. How to enjoy parenting? Let's consider that. “Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much...
How to Handle Criticism in a Mature Way And Helpful Way
For years, I have sought to be a part of a church; I've tried to be more than just another person sitting in a pew. Over the years, my wife and I have led parenting groups and teen groups. We have also been participants in multiple congregations and social groups,...