Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

In Sickness and in Health

I recently had the unpleasant experience of my husband being ill for nearly two years. He was diagnosed with an abdominal hernia, the symptoms of which escalated rapidly from the onset of diagnosis. Because his work included lifting heavy weights, I tried to show him...

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Fathers at Play

The results are in. According to a recent global study, roughhousing is critical to a child’s development. Maybe the best gift you can give to your young kids is to roughhouse with them a little bit more.  Dr. Richard Fletcher is the leader of the Fathers and Families...

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Honoring Your Father & Mother Isn’t Just for Kids

I spoke with a friend a few months ago over a beer, and he was talking about health issues his parents were having.  His mom has been battling cancer since her early 70's, and his dad was at the beginning of stage Alzheimer's. I could tell he was burdened on what to...

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Stress and Fitness

Stress. How Are You Coping with It?  Is it Killing You? Life and stress – they go hand in hand. You will experience lots of stress in your life. There is no getting around it. I believe that the degree to which you effectively manage and cope with the stressors in...

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