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Christ Centered Christmas

Christ Centered Christmas

​​ Ever feel like Christmas loses its true meaning in the holiday rush? You’re not alone. In this Man to Man podcast, Christ-Centered Christmas, we dive into how to celebrate the season while staying true to its spiritual roots. Key Takeaways: The Overlooked Message...

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Keeping Christ at the Center of Christmas

Keeping Christ at the Center of Christmas

In the whirlwind of the Christmas season, it’s easy to get swept up in the festivities and forget the true reason we celebrate. This time of year is not just about gifts, decorations, and parties; it’s a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Keeping Christ at the...

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Find Hope and Renewal This Christmas

Find Hope and Renewal This Christmas

 The holiday season, especially Christmas, often brings the changes in our lives into sharper focus. This can include the pain of missing loved ones or the evolution of traditions. Many people feel the impact of loss more acutely during this time. In this Man-to-Man...

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Peaceful Christmas

Peaceful Christmas

The Christmas season, with its festive spirit and gatherings, often brings unique challenges. Sometimes, it involves spending time with relatives or friends with whom we have complicated histories. This time of year, symbolizing the birth of Christ, calls us to...

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Peace and Reconciliation in Holiday Gatherings

Peace and Reconciliation in Holiday Gatherings

   Navigating family gatherings during the holidays can be challenging, especially when there are complicated histories or past conflicts with relatives or friends. About 40% of Americans report feeling anxious or stressed about these gatherings. This Man-to-Man...

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Christmas Giving and Reconciliation

Christmas Giving and Reconciliation

Christmas is a time of joy, reflection, and, most importantly, an opportunity to express our love through thoughtful gift-giving and reconciling with those who matter most in our lives. This season, let’s dive deeper into the essence of Christmas giving and the spirit...

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