
Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

A Relationship With God Is What You Were Made For

A Relationship With God Is What You Were Made For

I am not sure about you, but just reading the scripture below, I can honestly confess here today that I often fail at love! There is, however, some good news. Once you understand the source of real, genuine, unconditional love, you will realize that the LOVE the...

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3 Tips on How to Understand Your Wife

3 Tips on How to Understand Your Wife

He was sitting on the couch, angry, trying desperately to communicate with his wife. They had never really learned how to fight well. Neither did they communicate well during tense situations. They didn’t even remember what they were fighting about, but they could not...

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Selfishness is the Root of Sin and it Destroys Relationships

Selfishness is the Root of Sin and it Destroys Relationships

What causes nearly all sin in someone’s life? The root of sin usually starts with selfishness. Your desires, wants and needs are the first priority and you’ll do anything to achieve those things first. Ephesians 5:13 – “But when anything is exposed by the light, it...

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Overcoming Passivity | The Genesis Effect

Overcoming Passivity | The Genesis Effect

“An oldie, but a goodie.” “Tried and true.” When you read these sentences, you may think of music, sports, or a home remedy. I want to ask that you look at applying them to another aspect of your life — your marriage. How are you overcoming passivity? There are times...

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Are you Intoxicated with Your Wife?

Are you Intoxicated with Your Wife?

Are you intoxicated with your wife? A couple of weeks ago, this piece of scripture hit me and thumped me. As a husband, there are so many things that I struggle with, and one of those things is letting God’s word run my marriage. Ever be intoxicated always in her...

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