Saying no to sin; something Bugs Bunny won't help you with. I love the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, especially the ones with Yosemite Sam. There is this one episode where Bugs and Sam are about to get in a fight. Bugs Bunny drew a line in the sand. He bets hot-headed...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
How Genesis Shows Us The Beauty of Marriage
Here we'll take a look at how Genesis shows the creation story and the beauty of marriage. “I'm a self-made man! I got here by all the things I've done throughout my life.” Sound familiar? I'm sure you have either heard a man say this or even said some variation...
Tips on Managing Conflict in your Marriage
Conflict Will Come In Your Marriage Managing conflict in your marriage begins by understanding that ll marriages will have conflict. If you don’t, either you live on a tropical island with the earnings from your lottery winnings, or you are dead. Either way, it is not...
Powerful Reasons Why Community is Important for All Believers
The mission of UNCOMMEN is this: we exist to encourage men to be better Leaders, Husbands, and Dads by equipping individuals and organizations with inspiring and educational resources. Our vision is to help men succeed at being the man they were always meant to be. We...
God’s Role Is Evident In Your Life
God who delivered David from a bear, a lion and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:37 has also delivered me from the dirt and more turmoil in life called busyness, greed, and selfishness. God's role is evident in your life and mine. I was seeking happiness and joy in all the...
How We Speak With Each Other Matters to God
Does how we speak matter? The scriptures are clear. Ephesians 4:29 — "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." Today's lesson is about the tearing down...