Discovering your assignment? Today, 43% say they never wonder if they would go to heaven when they die. 51% say a personal invitation from a friend or neighbor from the church would be effective in getting them to visit. "And I sought for a man among them who should...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
When Life Brings Nothing But Change
It's been nothing but change since August of 2018. I have been experiencing the life-changing events of being an empty-nester. Now that we are empty-nesters, we have more time together as a husband and wife, but there's this sadness mixed with excitement lingering in...
How to Promote Your UNCOMMEN Charter
If you're a UNCOMMEN Charter Leader, please ensure that you're logged in to view this content. If you aren't a charter leader and would like access to leadership materials, you can start your charter today by clicking here. Here's a...
10 ways Christians can thrive and be at peace during Covid-19
You can have peace during Covid-19 Covid-19 is a scary and anxiety-inducing thing for many people. However, Christians can have peace during Covid-19 and even thrive through it. 1. Seek and share accurate information It doesn't take much to cause panic in the public...
How to Handle Your Responsibilities as a Father
Our son experienced substantial emotional fall-out during the end of his baseball game last night. He's a sensitive child as it is, but when things are starting to turn bad, they can spiral so quickly. As a father, it's my job to try and pick up the pieces and...
UNCOMMEN Challenge: Reward Your Wife
If you are a UNCOMMEN member, please ensure you're signed in to view this content. If you aren't a member, please click here to get started. In the past, UNCOMMEN has challenged you to massage your wife, and schedule spa days for her. For this...