
Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

Have you ever heard someone say, “Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree”? It happens in arguments or any discussion on any topic from large to small. It happens all the time. I have seen it applied in all areas of life, including marriage. How to handle...

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How You Can Love Your Wife Well

How You Can Love Your Wife Well

Love your wife. Not always so simple for today’s society. We have lost our families. Divorce is climbing at an alarming rate because men have lost the sight of just loving their wives. I know I know, we cannot be perfect. We are faced with temptations every day....

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Why You Need To Be Present in Your Kids Lives

Why You Need To Be Present in Your Kids Lives

You need to be present in your kids lives. Which of these would you rather be? Missing In Action, Definition – “used to say that a soldier cannot be found after a battle and might have been killed, captured, or wounded.” Man In Action, Definition — Being an active man...

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Accepting the Challenge for Biblical Manhood In Modern Times

Accepting the Challenge for Biblical Manhood In Modern Times

Biblical manhood in modern times is becoming less popular. The bar is set low. It wasn’t always the case, but it sure seems like men have lost their way. I don’t know if it’s our politically correct culture where everyone gets offended by the slightest thing or if men...

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Your Free Trial is About to Expire

Your Free Trial is About to Expire

Proverbs 18:22 — “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” The divorce rate used to be something that people referred to as a stat of the success or lack thereof when it comes to the institution of marriage. I say “used to” because...

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How to Survive A Divorce

How to Survive A Divorce

You thought things were fine. Your marriage was steady. Your kids are fine, your house is nice, you’ve provided for everyone’s needs (or so you thought), and you get along with your wife most of the time. Sure, there’s the blow up once in a while, sex not as often as...

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