Conflict Will Come In Your Marriage Managing conflict in your marriage begins by understanding that ll marriages will have conflict. If you don’t, either you live on a tropical island with the earnings from your lottery winnings, or you are dead. Either way, it is not...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
How to Build Trust with your Charter Members
If you're a UNCOMMEN Charter Leader, please ensure that you're logged in to view this content. If you aren't a charter leader and would like access to leadership materials, you can start your charter today by clicking here. Speak with...
Your Kids Learn in the Details
The older I get, the more I am amazed at how my grown children mimicked my attitudes when they were young. I'll never forget what my daughter told me about how I influenced her eating habits. When she was young, I didn't tell her that she had to eat everything on her...
Producing Healthy Fruit
As an avid gardener, I am usually concerned about the health of my plants. Am I giving them the right nutrients? Is the plant pot bound and needs to be moved into a different one? Do they need pruning? My neighbor has a very prolific lime tree. Yet, each year, the...
Stress and Fitness
Stress. How Are You Coping with It? Is it Killing You? Life and stress – they go hand in hand. You will experience lots of stress in your life. There is no getting around it. I believe that the degree to which you effectively manage and cope with the stressors in...
UNCOMMEN Husbands are Thermostats
UNCOMMEN Husbands are Thermostats not Thermometers. I have a gift. I can take my wife’s emotional temperature from across the room. When she is hot (and I don’t mean ready to slip between the sheets with me), I seek a cooler climate, perhaps on the deck with an iced...