Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Tips on Managing Conflict in your Marriage

Tips on Managing Conflict in your Marriage

Conflict Will Come In Your Marriage Managing conflict in your marriage begins by understanding that ll marriages will have conflict. If you don’t, either you live on a tropical island with the earnings from your lottery winnings, or you are dead. Either way, it is not...

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How to Build Trust with your Charter Members

How to Build Trust with your Charter Members

If you're a UNCOMMEN Charter Leader, please ensure that you're logged in to view this content. If you aren't a charter leader and would like access to leadership materials, you can start your charter today by clicking here. Speak with...

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Your Kids Learn in the Details

Your Kids Learn in the Details

The older I get, the more I am amazed at how my grown children mimicked my attitudes when they were young. I'll never forget what my daughter told me about how I influenced her eating habits. When she was young, I didn't tell her that she had to eat everything on her...

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Producing Healthy Fruit

As an avid gardener, I am usually concerned about the health of my plants. Am I giving them the right nutrients? Is the plant pot bound and needs to be moved into a different one? Do they need pruning? My neighbor has a very prolific lime tree. Yet, each year, the...

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Stress and Fitness

Stress. How Are You Coping with It?  Is it Killing You? Life and stress – they go hand in hand. You will experience lots of stress in your life. There is no getting around it. I believe that the degree to which you effectively manage and cope with the stressors in...

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UNCOMMEN Husbands are Thermostats

UNCOMMEN Husbands are Thermostats

UNCOMMEN Husbands are Thermostats not Thermometers. I have a gift. I can take my wife’s emotional temperature from across the room. When she is hot (and I don’t mean ready to slip between the sheets with me), I seek a cooler climate, perhaps on the deck with an iced...

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