Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

How to Manage Anger

How to Manage Anger

I get to approach this conversation from two perspectives. The first is that I have been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and personal development coach for the last ten years. I have worked with hundreds of men on anger and how to handle those moments of...

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Advice From Dads

Advice From Dads

Giving advice as a dad sometimes feels like it should be in the constitution and listed as a God-given right. After all, how are we supposed to fix all the world's problems if we don't let you know? Some are just starting off Some are researching to stay ahead of the...

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How To Make An Impact In The World

How To Make An Impact In The World

"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…" Luke 16:10 NIV. My wife and I were watching TV this past week, and we saw a story on "60 Minutes" about a program called Hope Chicago. It featured a story about a man who decided to change the...

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A Christmas Legacy

A Christmas Legacy

We all have memories of Christmas from our childhood. Some are good and some bad, but they are memories nonetheless. The real question is, did your parents focus on Christ, or was the focus on something else during the Christmas season? My wife and I do a birthday...

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UNCOMMEN Challenge: Communication 101

UNCOMMEN Challenge: Communication 101

If you are a UNCOMMEN member, please ensure you're signed in to view this content. If you aren't a member, please click here to get started. Men are from Mars / Women are from Venus, even with our communication with each other. We need to work on our...

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Our Garden of Eden

Our Garden of Eden

The Aftermath  My family and I went through Hurricane Katrina back in 2005 (which seems like a lifetime ago). But as we stood in my brother-in-law's house in Baton Rouge listening to the radio talk about the levy breaking and floodwater was 10 ft into houses, we stood...

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