Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

How You Can Love Your Wife Well

How You Can Love Your Wife Well

Love your wife. Not always so simple for today's society. We have lost our families. Divorce is climbing at an alarming rate because men have lost the sight of just loving their wives. I know I know, we cannot be perfect. We are faced with temptations every day....

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Having Consistent Faith Amidst Life’s Surprises

Having Consistent Faith Amidst Life’s Surprises

Consistent faith through the challenges of life is hard. Being a father is as hard. But when you have a sick child, it's even harder. Especially when your child is at a young age and if they don't speak yet, it's hard to figure out where they are hurting. Luke 8:50 —...

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How We Can Say No to Sin

How We Can Say No to Sin

Saying no to sin; something Bugs Bunny won't help you with. I love the old Bugs Bunny cartoons, especially the ones with Yosemite Sam. There is this one episode where Bugs and Sam are about to get in a fight. Bugs Bunny drew a line in the sand. He bets hot-headed...

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What makes an UNCOMMEN Father?

What makes an UNCOMMEN Father?

What makes an UNCOMMEN Father? Deuteronomy 4:9 — "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's...

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Here’s What Marriage Requires to Last

Here’s What Marriage Requires to Last

What Marriage Requires to Last? My grandparents showed me. With the recent passing of my 89-year-old grandfather, I witnessed one of the saddest and most beautiful testaments to a life-long marriage. Shortly after his passing, I watched my grandmother sit and weep at...

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Why You Need To Be Present in Your Kids Lives

Why You Need To Be Present in Your Kids Lives

You need to be present in your kids lives. Which of these would you rather be? Missing In Action, Definition - "used to say that a soldier cannot be found after a battle and might have been killed, captured, or wounded." Man In Action, Definition — Being an active man...

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