Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

God, Family, Career — Designating Faithful Priorities

God, Family, Career — Designating Faithful Priorities

Daddy, can you play dinosaurs with me? My oldest son asks me as I’m running out the door for my first appointment of the day. His big blue eyes shine with hope as he anticipates me sitting down and grabbing the triceratops. I’m sorry buddy, daddy has to go to work but...

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Dad, You Need To Be Active In Your Children’s Lives

Dad, You Need To Be Active In Your Children’s Lives

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." — Proverbs 22:6 I read an article once that was titled "How To Be a Better Father," which, of course, I felt I needed to read. It started at ten and worked its way down to the...

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“I Feel Alone” and How to Conquer Those Feelings

“I Feel Alone” and How to Conquer Those Feelings

"I feel alone". A common expression. Do you like being alone? Do you like being alone with God? One can be lonely anywhere. You don’t have to be alone to experience loneliness. Chances are deep loneliness comes when you are alone, but you can feel isolated even when...

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Same Storm, Different Boats

Same Storm, Different Boats

I hardly ever give any of my time listening to celebrities and their opinions on current events. But I did hear one say, "we are all going through this together." It occurred to me that while we are all going through the same storm, we are not all in the same boat....

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How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

How to Handle Disagreements in Your Marriage

Have you ever heard someone say, “Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree”? It happens in arguments or any discussion on any topic from large to small. It happens all the time. I have seen it applied in all areas of life, including marriage. How to handle...

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How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

When our kids become adults, they could look back at this crisis as the best moment of their lives. However, this isn’t going to happen on its own. Fathering requires intentionality and proximity. This virus gives us an opportunity for both. Here's how to be...

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