The Genesis of Uncommen In the spirit of fostering stronger male leadership, Greg and Amanda Cash founded Uncommen. The organization aims to inspire husbands, fathers, and leaders to become the men they were always meant to be. This journey began with an app designed...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
The Extroverted Spirit
Welcome, brothers, to today’s Man-to-Man podcast, where we celebrate the vibrant energy of the extroverted spirit. Understanding how extroverts communicate and energize can help us all to harness the power of active engagement in our communities and churches. The...
The Introverted Mind
In today's Man to Man podcast, The Introverted Mind, we explore the quiet strength and unique qualities of introversion. Understanding how introverts communicate and thrive can significantly enhance personal growth and relationships. Let's explore how our faith can...
Grace-Filled Seasons
Grace-Filled Seasons: Empty Nest, Grandparenting, and Elder Care We encounter the quiet transition to an empty nest, the joys of grandparenting, and the honor of elder care. Today’s Man to Man podcast, Grace-Filled Seasons, explores these significant...
Navigating Life’s Seasons: From College to Parenting
Navigating Key Life Transitions Navigating life's seasons, from college to parenting, is among the most profound aspects of the journey. Mirroring the shift from a harsh winter to the promising bloom of spring, these phases in our lives ask us to evolve, pushing us...
Men’s Mental Health and Faith
Brothers in Christ, our faith is a cornerstone of our lives, influencing how we view the world, including our approach to mental health. Let’s discuss how our spiritual beliefs and practices intersect and can positively influence our mental well-being. Faith as a...