by Making Dinner Happen “What’s for dinner?” Hear those 3 little words every day for years on end and you’ll want to run screaming! By any chance could that be how your wife feels right about now??? Even though I love to cook (or at least I did before I had to cook...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
No Job Title No Problem
So it’s 2016, and you’re hoping to make this year’s resolution stick. You know the one where you take better care of your body, or the one where you promise to make more time for your family. Here’s the one that’s often overlooked- be a better leader. Maybe this is...
UNCOMMEN Model Integrity
How much is your integrity worth? I've heard it said, "Life is caught more than taught." Ever since college I have caught a lot from Neal Gooch - often in random places. One time at a drive thru the woman at the window clearly undercharged us. I thought, "Bonus!" Neal...
The Power (and destruction) of Angry Words
I get to approach this conversation from two perspectives. The first is that I have been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and personal development coach for the last 10 years. I have worked with hundreds of men on the topic of anger and how to handle those...
Beyond the Benjamins: 3 Qualities of a Provider
Now... What y'all wanna do? Wanna be ballers? Shot-callers? Brawlers --Puffy Combs, aka Puff Daddy, aka P. Diddy, aka... I am a Judge’s son. Growing up, I was the cute little blond haired kid campaigning on your doorstep and stuttering in a high voice, “Hi....