Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Put Down The Phone

Hey! Put your phone down right now! (well, at least if you are reading this right before bedtime.) I’m sure you’ve heard the recent news that using screens before bedtime can mess with your sleep patterns in a big way, and have an adverse impact on your health, but...

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Men and Competition

We are a very competitive nation; from our sports, to our business, to our hunting activities, and even our politics, we compete in many facets. We find ways of measuring everything from the size of car engines to deer racks. America is one giant competitive engine in...

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10 life lessons on Summer Adventure with your Kids

The Summer brings about all kinds of opportunities for quality family time with your kids. While you often can hear about mothers dealing with challenges of the extra free time kids seem to have on their hands, it's time for Dad's to step up and draw their children...

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Honoring Your Father & Mother Isn’t Just for Kids

I spoke with a friend a few months ago over a beer, and he was talking about health issues his parents were having.  His mom has been battling cancer since her early 70's, and his dad was at the beginning of stage Alzheimer's. I could tell he was burdened on what to...

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Brothers and Envy

Brothers and Envy

I long for deeper and closer friendships in my life, and I have been grateful for the men who have come into my world. But, often the same men I would want as a closer brother, I can struggle with deep envy of. I am both drawn to them and their gifts, yet at the same...

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Write A Tribute For Dad

When I first heard about this idea of writing a tribute to my dad, I knew I didn’t have a choice. I had to do it, even though I knew it would be a stretch goal. I felt so nervous about it that I procrastinated way too long. I first heard about the idea from Dennis...

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