Scripture is very clear about those who live in the world and those who live for the world. We should be living biblically. But as a Christian, I struggle every day with separating myself from the world and not completely alienating myself. Because I still have the...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
Reflections on Hugh Hefner’s Passing
"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth." — Proverbs 5:18 Hugh Hefner died of natural causes at the age of 91. The founder of Playboy magazine was the envy of men the world over. His home—Playboy Mansion—was the location of frequent...
Uncommen Goals: Leaders
The definition of a Leader is: “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.” What word jumps out at you in that definition? For me, the word that stood out the most was…“commands.” We’ve all been part of a group that when it’s time to pick a...
Uncommen Goals: Dads
Okay, Dad, it’s time to put away the Christmas sweaters and get ready for the start of the year. Your wife may be talking about starting a new diet as a family, and your employer may want to you to turn in what your objectives are for the first quarter. But we would...
Uncommen Goals for 2018
It’s goal setting season, which prompts an important question. Do you know the difference between a goal and a dream? Dream: I want to lose 20 pounds, so I’m going on a diet. Goal: I’m going to lose 20 pounds by July 1st by changing what I eat and exercising three...
What It Takes To Run a Non-Profit We’re glad you asked! Many times throughout the year we get approached by people wanting to help further the reach of Uncommen and help us reach men around the world. The amount of encouraging feedback we receive from people is...