Loving People Different Than Us There are a lot of jokes about husbands in the marriage relationship. For example, if a man is in the woods, is he still wrong? Another would be, what are the five words that husbands need to know for a successful marriage? The answer...
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Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
Taking Advantage of Dad Time With Your Kids
Take advantage of dad time. Girl's weekend coming up? Mom out of town for work? The truth is that moms need time away and the time will come at some point where dad will be flying solo. A few years back, while I was starting my business, my wife had to go back to work...
Confront Your Kings | Overcoming Nagging Sins
Overcoming nagging sins. In preparing this writing, I peered over the book of Joshua. What happened to him externally, I use internally as encouragement while going through my daily battles. "So I find this law at work. Although I want to do good, evil is right there...
Man In Action: A Faithful Husband
How to be a faithful husband can be found clearly in our theme verse for this article. Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." Missing In Action - “used to say that a soldier cannot be found after a battle...
Share Your Testimony: Real Faith & Friends
I started up my first business at the age of 34. Before that, I was in sales but became very tired of the travel. I sold my corporate stock, bought a franchise and began a 13-year run in small business. It was hard work, long hours and, at first, quite the dip in...
How to Not Regret What You Say
James 1:19 “Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” I suddenly regretted the words that had just left my mouth. My wife and I had just been in a bitter argument and I; being the broken man that I am, had to get the...