For years, I have sought to be a part of a church; I've tried to be more than just another person sitting in a pew. Over the years, my wife and I have led parenting groups and teen groups. We have also been participants in multiple congregations and social groups,...
Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
UNCOMMEN Challenge: A Season For Reflection
If you are a UNCOMMEN member, please ensure you're signed in to view this content. If you aren't a member, please click here to get started. The Lent season presents an opportunity for us as believers to reflect on what our Savior has done for us....
How to Lead Your Family In Every Circumstance
How to lead your family? The questions can be taken many ways, but it reminds me of something I watched recently. My wife and I recently watched the movie "Apollo 13". That is the "Houston, we have a problem" mission designed to put a man on the moon. The actual story...
UNCOMMEN Challenge: Make Your Time Purposeful
If you are a UNCOMMEN member, please ensure you're signed in to view this content. If you aren't a member, please click here to get started. If you're anything like me, I set "great" goals in January and usually start to slack off a bit in February. By...
Pray Bold Prayers For Your Family, Dad
Do you pray bold prayers as the spiritual leader of your household? Most husbands and fathers don't. In the ninth chapter of Mark, we read the story of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean spirit. The boy's father had already asked Jesus' disciples to heal his son, but...
Is Pornography Destroying Your Marriage? The Answer is Yes
Is pornography destroying your marriage? The answer is quite simply, yes. It may not be today but it will, eventually once exposed. "In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his...