Spiritual Battles

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11

We have all heard that God has a plan for us. We may search our entire lives and find it only at fleeting moments, but God is far more knowing than we could ever imagine. We can look at things and be amazed at things He laid out before we were born. We are not robots, and free will is real. He knows everything before we do – everything.

I heard a preacher once who completely blew my mind with a sermon about not forgetting that Satan also has a plan for us. Before hearing that sermon, I figured there was a general plan that I once in a while stumbled into it. He said that was all wrong; he told us that the plan to destroy us was individualized. In other words, custom-made destruction, tailor-made for me. Are you experiencing spiritual battles?

Ten years ago, in the weeks leading up to our daughter’s death, I fought a war. The devil wanted me beaten. It centered around my most precious weapon – prayer. If I sold a policy, “Would you take it if it was from me?” It was constant. To be honest, rather relentless. I talked about it with very few people. That was a mistake. The day she died, it stopped. That could be because I tuned in as hard as I could to God at that time. I realize that if I had gone off the rails, people would have followed.

The last few weeks have been hectic. Jordyn’s death anniversary is always hard, but this year was more challenging. My brother nearly tore my house down, falling down the steps. Fortunately, he is good, but it scared us. We also released Peace is Possible. I have never been more convinced of a God-given directive in my life.

I noticed something in the middle of it all; I was freaking out. My anxiety went into a stampede. I have dealt with panic attacks and anxiety at times. I am sure I have had bouts of depression. My family tree is filled with this struggle as well. It’s in my genes, I guess. What my mom went through would make you cry—stone-aged terribly.

My perfect soul wife asked me if I knew why it was worse leading up to September 11th, especially concerning the book. The closer that got, the worse it was. I looked at her completely straight face and said, “I have no idea.” She said one word, “Satan.”

How in the world had I missed it? I pray for my family. I claim my family is in the name of “Jesus.” In every room and corner of my house, I have prayed and laid hands on the foundation and even the plumbing and wiring. I have no room for enemies in that beautiful brick ranch house. But I let my guard down. I let the enemy walk right in. I have since kicked him back out. I know evil still exists, but it cannot defeat my Savior.

Why do you need to know this? You also deal with spiritual battles too. It’s a specific one tailored for you. Don’t fear it. We are equipped with the weaponry that God intended us to have. Just don’t be naïve enough to think you won’t be targeted. Call Jesus into action. He can take action without us asking. He does not need permission, but I sure think the invitation means something to Him.

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