What is an Uncommen Small Group?
It is a small group of men who meet together on a consistent basis with the intention of growing together and being the husband, dad, and leader they were always meant to be. Group size varies, and we have charters that meet all over. They meet in homes, restaurants, churches, garages, parks, and even virtually.
What is an Uncommen Small Group Leader?
The small group leader is the man who will lead the small group, the point of contact, and is usually the person who purchases the small group package. We provide this person will leadership info, challenges, and access to materials to help run the small group.
How do I run a small group?
Invite men to join your weekly gathering and build a community within your group. Study together, pray together, and do life with one another. The small group leader sets a lot of the smaller details like meeting times, locations, duration, and the like. Ultimately, do what’s best for your group and lead them well.
How do we use the Uncommen materials?
The Uncommen materials are designed to be used for our small group leaders to lead well. They include scripture references, questions for discussion, and challenges for accountability. The topics are hard-hitting and relevant for men of all walks of life and focus on being a Husband, Dad or Leader.
How do I start my own small group?
Starting your own small group is simple. Our small group is 100% digital and we provide all supportive materials by email. Once purchased we’ll email your electronic materials (leadership materials). These tools will help aid you in leading these men to be the husband, dad, and leader they were always meant to be.
Lifetime Small Group
This is a one time cost that allows you access to all small group materials. We periodally add to the resources and you will be notified when we do so. Once you purchase a small group, we’ll add your location to our map so others can see.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a small group is you are financially supporting Uncommen. This helps us to develop new materials, but it also helps us reach men, families, and communities around the world. Your support is more significant than you may realize!
USA Small Groups
roll over a state to see the cities we are in.

International Small Groups
Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago
Are you ready to start your own group of Uncommen Men?