Showing Gratitude With Thankfulness


Ever find it hard to say “thanks” when life is tough? You’re not alone. In this Man to Man podcast: Showing Gratitude With Thankfulness, we dig into the Bible to find big lessons on being thankful, even when the going gets rough.


Key Takeaways:

  • Big Bible Lessons: We talk about people in the Bible who had hard times but still found a way to be thankful. Think Job, King David, and the Ten Lepers.
  • Gratitude is Good: Did you know being thankful is actually good for you? It helps you sleep better and keeps you healthier.
  • Chain Reaction: Practicing gratitude doesn’t just make you feel good; it spreads joy around you. We’ll discuss how.


Why You Should Listen:

If you find it hard to be thankful in tough times, this podcast is a must-listen. We offer real stories from the Bible and explain how gratitude can change your life. Trust the facts: Studies conclude that showing gratitude can make you less stressed and healthier.


Bible Verses:

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “Give thanks in all circumstances.”
  • James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”


Segment Info:

  • Bible Stories: Job lost everything but still thanked God. King David had rough days but still wrote thank-you songs to God. Of the Ten Lepers, only one thanked Jesus. Who makes you think most about being thankful?
  • Good for You: We’ll chat about why being thankful is healthy. Studies show it can make you feel better and even help your heart.


Uncommen Questions:

  • Which Bible story makes you want to be more thankful?
  • Ever had a hard time when a Bible verse helped you feel thankful?


Uncommen Challenge:

Pick a Bible verse about showing gratitude with thankfulness. Keep it in your mind all week. If you feel down, think about that verse. Share it with a friend or family member.

So, let’s be “Uncommenly” Thankful. It’s not just good for your soul; it’s good for your health too! Additional Resources: Hard Lessons.  


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