Work/Life Study

An Uncommen study to inspire and challenge you.
Number of pages: 60

This Uncommen Work/Life study focuses on developing a Godly balance to help you grow in your faith, not get in the way of it. Men have a tendency to tie their identity and self-worth to their job or what they do. Changing how we approach our work/life calling will help us focus our attention on whether this is God Glorifying or not. Our work/life choices not on impact us but our family and friends as well. Whether you are a Husband, Dad and/or Leader, we have some inspirational and challenging content for you.

Join us as we look at Uncommen men in real everyday situations and how they approach building a Godly Work / Life Balance.

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*Uncommen Studies are copyrighted material. This study is for personal use only and may not be copied, shared, or redistributed to others who didn’t purchase it.*

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