
It’s just a small thing

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20 NIV

Sometimes when I think about the actual power of God, I imagine what I think is possible. Then I think God must be able to do an even better version of that. It is funny because, in this verse, I am told it will be more than I can imagine, but I still try to imagine. It could be just that it’s just a small thing for God!

Volunteering at the Group Home

This past summer, our son started volunteering at a local group home. We wanted to do this for several reasons: he would learn the importance of work. Work is important, although not always enjoyable. Some jobs challenge our abilities. Some jobs are done to pay the bills.

I noticed something quickly. No one there ever asked me what his abilities were. I went there with him each week to help, just in case. New situations are not always easy, but what can look and sound like an adverse reaction can be his way of adjusting. I watched in absolute shock.

He worked outside, which is not normally his strong point. Early on, we picked blackberries. To do it, you had to reach back into the plant to find the fruit. White butterflies started flying out from the branches. These have always been difficult for him. The word panic could describe his reaction to them. We have worked at it and at one point a few years ago, we even put a butterfly habitat inside our house to desensitize him. I was thinking we would not be picking them for very long. His new boss calmly walked up to him and said, “Pick the ones the same color as your blue shirt.” He picked about two gallons of blackberries. When he looked at the goal instead of the problem, things changed. I know this sounds like a small thing. It isn’t.

Challenging Assumptions and Expanding Possibilities

I saw him enter a chicken coop to gather eggs. That sentence alone was beyond my imagination until I saw him do it. There was a lot of noise and a lot of movement. He went in slowly and actually removed the ear protection he was wearing for a few seconds. He was curious about the noise. That is another sentence I would have never imagined until I saw it. He wore it, but then gathered a dozen eggs to take home. I know this also sounds like a small thing. It isn’t.

Then his newfound boss upped the stakes. She told me she wanted to teach him to drive. I cannot say that I had never imagined him driving. It’s just that I always imagined it ending in a complete disaster. I have the video to prove it, but she coached him through driving a lap around the 35-acre property. Not sure he could have driven any slower. It took him around 45 minutes but he did it. I know this is a small thing but is most definitely not.

A Message from the Heart

I remembered something this week. Maybe ten years ago, a friend offered to paint a room in our house. That sounds odd, but my friend needed to take his mind off things. His young son had been having strokes, more than one. His condition was serious. You know how it is when you cannot think of anything else. The potential problem is just too big. That break was needed. Korbin apparently walked in and picked up a paint roller, and put a quick coat of paint on the clothes in my closet (that’s true). But then he took my friend’s face in his hands to make sure he was paying attention. Korbin honestly has a way of looking into your soul. My verbally non-functioning son said, “It’s just a small thing.” No one else on earth could have delivered that message that day because no one on earth delivered that message.

Uncommen Questions:

What problem or obstacle is currently in your view?

Is it possible that the solution you imagine is a small thing to God?

Uncommen Challenge: 

Take a break from your own reality. Go for a walk. Get your hands dirty by helping someone. View the challenges of this life through the lens of God. His way is better than we can imagine.

1 Comment

  1. Rodney Godwin

    Wow! I have always said that when you are help others, that a lot of your self complaint go away. If not, the people you are help aren’t In enough pain!
    Thanks needed this today


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