
How You Can Be The Best Grandpa

What do I owe my grandchildren? Deuteronomy 4:9. Notice the ‘no-nonsense’ tone in these words from Moses – take care, use diligence, don’t be forgetful, or get sidetracked. These indicate the need for a deliberate and purposeful plan for us as husbands/dads/grandpas. “Fail to plan, plan to fail” applies here quite nicely (thank you, Ben Franklin)! Through Moses, the Lord urges us to battle the distractions of our existence and invest our limited energy in the world changers of the future. This is the start of what it means to be the best grandpa.

“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children- – Deuteronomy 4:9. ESV

Our Job Description for Being the Best Grandpa

This verse from Deuteronomy makes our job description pretty clear. I owe my grandkids integrity – the ‘real me’ -the ‘me’ when no one else is looking. They deserve to know the lessons I’ve learned, often the hard way and some of them (embarrassingly) repetitively. I owe them an excellent finish to my life, not spectating from the couch but invested in winning the game – right up to the end!

A quick scan of our current culture is nothing short of alarming. The speed of the changes happening make me dizzy and vulnerable to panic. Dizziness and fear do no one any good, not the least of which my grandchildren. What the world needs now are Deuteronomy 4:9 men! Here are a few thoughts on what a grandpa might look like from Deuteronomy 4:9.

3 Ways You Can Be a Deuteronomy 4:9 Man

1. Grandpa is a prayer warrior. When I’m tempted to throw up my hands in helplessness facing an upside down/inside out world, I’ve decided there is no better remedy than to cast my cares on my Maker and to pray specific prayers over my grandkids regarding current and future needs in their lives.

2. Grandpa is a cautious coach to their parents. This statement can be a tricky one. I believe less is more in this arena – if in doubt, throw it out. When a good parenting article crosses your path, consider if it might be a useful tidbit for your kids to consider in their parenting, but be very careful not to overdo it! I tend to bump an email link of maybe one in five over that I feel may be helpful.

3. Grandpa is a man of the Word. Both your word, always being a promise-keeper, and the Word, reading, and thinking on it. Considering it more than any other input we consume may sound easier than it is. Take an inventory of your news consumption, TV viewing, time spent on hobbies/entertainment, etc. and endeavor to find a way to tip the scales in favor of God’s voice-over man’s in your life. This finding WILL change us, and it will impact our grandkids.

By His grace, brothers, let’s determine to do our grandpa job as true Deuteronomy 4:9 men!

Author: Jeff Teebken

For more reading materials on How You Can Be The Best Grandpa, see below:



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