How to Have Childlike Faith

Ever heard the expression “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? I have a new spin on that – “If life gives you apples, make apple soup.” It’s all about childlike faith. Let me explain; we got to visit a family that we love in the last couple of weeks. They have been through a lot in the previous year, three miscarriages. That’s more than enough for a lifetime but in a short time frame.

“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” — Mark 10:15

In The Valleys

They have two kids, and at least one of them thinks that I am pretty cool. She also apparently likes to write books. She invited me to the table and offered to read her latest book entitled “Apple Soup.” She had fully illustrated every page and stapled the edge for binding. The only thing she left off were the words. She supplied them herself. It’s a good thing because we did not have enough paper in our house to hold the story she unfolded for me.

Keep in mind this beautiful little girl has been told she would be a big sister three times in the past year or so. She has accepted it in faith every time only to be told something had gone wrong. She cannot fathom the nearly impossible odds of actually delivering a healthy baby. There is one more twist; the third occurred with a set of twins. One did not make it. The other appears to be healthy, a miracle in waiting.

Keep in mind that I once asked her mom if anyone had ever passed out due to a lack of oxygen from the word count she can throw down. She can talk. In her story, the entire family is pictured in various scenes from life. They were in the park, watching television and other typical family things. They were also eating dinner, yup – apple soup.

Having Childlike Faith

I’ve never tasted apple soup. I have never heard of it. But the way she described it – delicious. Picture the book with color. Now picture the twins in the picture. Every scene included mom, dad, her brother, and the twins. To her, she already had them – in both present and past tense. I think she will always have them. She knows the truth. But she is focused on her view of beauty. I believe writing helps her organize her beautiful mind. I can relate to the need to process the words. It’s a bit corny, but the ingredients she loves may not be to someone else’s taste, but they are perfect for her.

I am not encouraging delusion. The little girl knows they lost one. Twins will not appear; that’s not the point. The point is childlike faith, even in the midst of the unexplainable. I listened as a six-year-old reminded me about taking things on faith. There will still be pain and questions. But there will also be a walking miracle.


For more reading materials on How to Have Childlike Faith, see below:


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