Everybody is a leader. It’s a crowded space. There’s lots of options. So, how to be a leader amidst all of it? It can be tough.
If there are so many leaders…why does everything seem so screwed up?
“With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand.” – Psalm 78:72
We asked our community, “What is one attribute a leader must have?”
Here’s what we heard:
- Level Head
- Character
- Wisdom
- Honesty
- Passion
- Empathy
- Resilience
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Servitude
- Righteousness
- Vision
- Thick skin
- Charisma
- Trust
- Relentless
- Dependability
How To Be A Leader: Examples from the Bible
- Obedience – Moses
- Fearless – David
- Committed – Paul
- Transparent – Peter
- Trust – Abraham
- Faithful – Noah
- Endurance – Joseph
- Action – Joshua
- Willingness – Isaiah
- Resolute – Daniel
- Driven – John the Baptist
- Holy, loving, sacrificial, sinless etc. – Jesus
- More examples on how to be a Godly leader in this article.
What does poor leadership look like?
- Self-centered
- No vision
- Poor communicator
- Does not trust
- Blames others
- Doesn’t listen
- Doesn’t grow
- Unpredictable
- Too emotional
As with most things, we usually don’t get it right and need to roll up our sleeves and work at becoming the leader God always wanted us to be.
How To Be A Leader: 5 Tips
- Pray
- Read about other leaders you identify with
- Learn a new leadership skill each week (1%)
- Mimic what works for you
- Always ask if this trait Glorifies God
What’s the target? It’s the Fruit of the Spirit.
The Fruit of The Spirit
It’s no accident that the fruit of the Spirit leads to a wonderfully rounded person who glorifies God.
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control
“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” – Luke 12:48
Learn a new leadership skill each week (1%)? That is a tip, but where would we learn those skills? Besides of course reading God’s word, but your tip seems more specific. What does the 1% mean?
Become 1% better today than you were yesterday through reading great books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, signing up for classes on things you know you need to work on or want to work on. John Maxwell is a great start for leadership skills.
For example, listening is an important skill in leadership. Do you listen well, do you interrupt, do you find yourself waiting to speak rather than concentrating on what they’re saying? You can be 1% better by intentionally focusing more on the persons words, pausing before you speak to reflect on what they said, or making a mental list of things they are saying they need help on. This will grow your listening and communication skills daily.
Talking the small easier steps everyday, to be better by 1% every day, so that you can be 100% better down the road after all the work has been put in.
At least that’s how I understand it.
Hope this helped!
Shannon, that is it exactly. Small increments that bring God Glory, help me grow personally and professionally. How I listen and communicate today compared to 20 years ago are drastically different – Praise God.
I really like this empowering leadership tips. Thanks for sharing. God bless