How can we display God in a world on fire?

At Uncommen, we never respond to political situations as they are often fueled by both sides of the same bird. But we are impacted by events just as you are; we wanted to offer some perspective and encouragement.

When something like a change in the policy of Roe v Wade comes out, people have nothing but opinions, views, and stats. It doesn’t matter if they are wrong, repeating data from their favorite news station, or have a broken moral compass; they have them by the truckload. It’s been an impactful/stressful few years, everything from racism, shootings, life-altering verdicts, and, oh yeah…Covid-19. Did someone say Monkeypox? 

If you read the old testament, there were times when God instructed leaders (David) to wipe out whole cities (men, women, and children/infants). However, God’s instruction is a far cry from if David chose to wipe out a city without seeking God’s counsel. 

As soon as we pass our decisions through a human lens instead of God’s lens, we mess it up. For 49 years, five months, and two days, abortion has been legal, and over 63 million babies have been aborted. I don’t tell you that number to sway or trigger you but rather to show you the scope of the conversation. 

For 49 years+, we have stepped into the role of God and chosen to make abortion legal, which has led to that horrific number. There was anger, outrage, protest, and more when it was legalized. Now that it’s not, we see the same responses and more. 

Now What?

So what do we do on this side of that decision? How in the world do we have a conversation with all the anger swirling? We may need to wait. But, I know, that’s not our goto. Humans, by nature, do not like to be told NO (See Garden of Eden). So we pout, stomp our feet, burn things, break stuff, try to find loopholes, and generally make a scene.

While we as Christians should not be ashamed, guilted, or scared of the Supreme Court’s decision, we may need to center ourselves on Christ before engaging with someone who disagrees. All you have to do is watch a video on how one encounter went, and you may sit back and say, that is not how I want to display Christ.


Many want to jump into the conversation or protest, which has mixed results. If a reasonable opportunity presents itself, then, by all means, have an adult (non-screaming) conversation. Listen, speak, and love with Truth and Grace. What’s on the news and even on iPhone videos is anything but reasonable. Pray for God to open a door and for the Holy Spirit to guide our words. We’re not trying to be right, but rather be Holy.

Helping Mothers

Having spent some time speaking with human trafficking organizations, I know full well that many of those women didn’t ask to get pregnant. I’m going to tie something here that men won’t like, but pornography has a direct connection with human trafficking. 

As men, we need to do a better job helping women who have been raped. These women are victims and feel they may have no other options and must abort. We need to get involved with organizations that help women with resources and solutions that help them take that child to term and understand why they should. 

We need to pray for them, with them, and share alternatives like adoption and foster care. 


I have many friends who want to adopt, which is one of the world’s most complicated and expensive processes. The average domestic adoption cost is $41,000 and could take six months or longer. I’ve seen friends try multiple times to adopt. They will try to adopt one, sisters, brothers, infants, and pre-teens without success. 

We need to find a way to make this more affordable.

Talking To Children

I’ve heard that many young (pre-teens and teens) feel left out of this conversation or want to know more. So first, pray about what you and your wife will cover with your child, then schedule some time to discuss and answer questions. Not every age needs to have this conversation, but for the ones that do, please do so. You want to speak Truth and Grace into them and not leave it up to someone else.

What Can Men Do?

We need to support women before, during, and after pregnancy. After all, they are not getting pregnant on their own. We are taking part, and we may be failing in some areas. No means no, even when you are married. I know that sounds strange, but we as men need to be more respectful of our approach to sex. 

If you are single and engaging in sex, which leads to a child, commit to supporting that mother and child. Don’t be that guy.

If your wife is not on board with having a child yet, respect that decision, pray and discuss it further. You may be ready at different times, and that one sexual encounter impacts her life and body much more than yours.

We can support organizations that help women like Love Live.

We can be in prayer about that process and be ready when the time comes.  

The Church

This should be a time to help educate, support and encourage your members with accurate information. This is not a time to get an ax out to grind or vent your agenda. Instead, keep the focus on God and His will for our lives. Talk about how to pray for our nation, love, and speak to each other. 


At the end of the day, I encourage all of us to pray for our country. We are being torn from all sides, and we need God in our every decision, conversation, and action. 

While we bicker, the real victim is the unborn child. 

I pray that now this law has been changed, we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and seek God’s counsel once again. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

1 Comment

  1. Bruce Sanders

    I agree with all you said. I think we as men can be a great positive influence for women who are going through an unplanned pregnancy. I also think the adoption process is far to expensive. There are many couples who want children but can’t and adoption would be an option however as your article states it’s far to expensive fir them. I will definitely contact my state representatives and see if I can help.


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