How Can I Find My Identity?

How can I find my identity? When the judge slammed that gavel down, I knew my life would never be the same. I was a convicted felon, a sex offender, and a youth leader gone rogue. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”Ephesians 2:10

Now I had to prove to everyone that it was indeed a mistake. I made one of the worst choices a man could make due to anger problems, feeling betrayed, and a deep-seated struggle with sexual immorality. I was a father of one with another on the way, a husband, a leader in the church, and a respected member in my community. My identity was about to take on a new role.

How Can I Find My Identity After Failure?

I was sentenced to 10 years on the sexual registry, as well as two and a half years on probation and was shunned from the religious group I once followed. After three intense months of reading book after book as well as the bible, I thought I’d find the answer to my identity problems. However, I was still unsure of who I was. I could not honestly believe that God’s love, grace, and mercy were for me after what I had done to destroy my family, my future, and my identity. 

After a year, I have learned that who I am is not based on the bad decisions I made. King David, Paul the Apostle, Job, and Peter taught me that even the strongest, wisest, and successful people get corrupted by the sin nature living within us. God’s plan is not to throw us away when we fall into the snares of the enemy. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

So, I believe if God had good things planned for me to do, he knew there would be times where I would forget. I would forget who I was created to be, and what I was designed to do. Regardless of your past or present situations, you must be willing to see yourself as God sees you and get to know yourself as God knows you.

Find My Identity | Membership

Who am I?

One of the age-old questions of man is, “Who am I?” This question keeps people consumed in self-hatred, negativity, and pessimistic attitudes. I have been guilty many times taking personality tests, career assessments, and even identification questionnaires, which left me confused. These tests did not help me reach a greater understanding of my identity, nor did they give me the relief I desperately craved. As a father, husband, and man, I know that understanding who you are is vital for your family, job, and purpose in life. It is even more crucial to understand your identity in the kingdom of God fully.

Will you accept who God made you be, and what he has created you to do? When I sought God more than anything else, my life began to change.

Here is my challenge for you. For the next week, I challenge you to treat other like royalty. Lastly, wake up each day and ask God what can you do for him; not what you want him to do for you. You, your family, and your community will significantly benefit from your actions. Feel free to continue as long as you want.

For more reading materials on Who You Are In Christ, see below:



  1. David A. Houghton

    It’s not easy to release information like this especially considering the details that were shared so I commend you on your transparency.

    Stay strong in the lord we all have issues to work on. “Surely there is a future [and a reward], And your hope and expectation will not be cut off.”
    ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭23:18‬ ‭

  2. Brad McDaniel

    Am I missing something? Not only did you not tell us how you got your question answered personally, but you didn’t direct us in how to do so either. Super weird article bro. Great title. Great list of what might not help. Buuuuuut…

    • Scott Johnson

      My answer came as I committed myself to prayer and dedicated myself to reading His words, God’s truths about who I am. I am a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I am loved so much that Jesus died for me when I was still in my sin. I am highly favored and destined to reign because He chose me. He has prepared a place for me in heaven, and nothing can separate me from the love He has for me. He also tells me that I cannot do this thing called life on my own. He created me for relationship, and it is my job to find those other men who are seeking the same things and wanting the same things in their lives. God knows that I cannot often see things right in front of me so he has given me other brothers in Christ to help to see those troublesome areas and hold me accountable for changing them for the better. That is my identity in Christ!

  3. Alan

    To be found in the company of David, Paul, Job and Peter is to be human. Would that we All would learn this – at the very least, in time to show His Glory to those we have offended before the end!

  4. Charles

    I like this… God doesn’t define us by the decisions we’ve made in the past!
    God is only interested in the here and now moment we’re in.
    I have learned that recently. For the past 2 years I’ve been in and out of deep depression.
    Depression keeps you in yesterday and the what if’s and the worst case scenarios. The devil is the only one who deals in the past if we reject and resist him the bible says that he will flee.
    Keep your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and your here and now will be filled with life!

  5. Amador

    God uses our weakness to be more He want us to be, He has a great plan to all of us. Those men in the bible represent as an example and we should not stop coming to God.
    Be strong and take courage in Jesus everyone.
    Joshua 1:6-9

  6. Phillip

    Agree that this took great Faith to reveal. Thanks for the transparency, TJ.

    Brad, I also agree that it was a bit open ended but I feel like this testimony isn’t finished yet.

    I was also confused because the email said the author was TJ Todd and then Scott Johnson replied as if he was the author…?


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