Free Will

Freedom of Choice: Embracing God’s Gift of Free Will

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1.

God even gives us free will. You can choose to follow Him. You can choose to turn away from Him. He never removes that freedom of free will. He can only see our path before we do. We are free to marry. We are free to work in any job we choose and to live wherever we want. Our country was founded on freedom.

Freedom from the Chains of the Law: Embracing Jesus as Our Savior

The decision to follow Jesus is made freely and results in freedom. In his letter to the church at Galatia, Paul made the point of saying, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1. But in his letter to the church in Rome, Paul clarifies that “because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit, who gives life, has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2.

Our freedom was from the law. Obeying the multi-layered laws of the church would never give us freedom because we could not measure up. Laws pointed out sin. The law points out that without Jesus as our Savior, we were chained to a law we cannot uphold. But once the decision is made to accept Jesus, we inherently depend on Him for that freedom.

I think we extrapolate that freedom to too many other areas. My freedom from thinking I need other people is a false positive. Highly capable people can operate for a long time in many areas of life. However, is that what Jesus wants? If we need no one, how do we reach them? How do they reach us?

My little city had about 6 or 7 inches of snow overnight, so I had a day of snow removal. We manage some property and I needed to dig them out. However, a few weeks ago I took a fall and apparently broke my tailbone. So, I faced a decision, to go or stay. To go, I knew I would need help because lifting the snowblower into the truck multiple times was going to hurt. I called my son-in-law. He is young and strong and is free today.

Discovering Our Limitations: Embracing the Humility of Asking for Help

I turned 57 in December and I think of myself as fairly capable. However, it became obvious pretty early that it was not just the lifting. The work itself got to me. I realized I needed him to help with the removal, too. Without him, I would not have finished. I would have either quit or had a heart attack. It is kind of humbling to stare at your own limitations.

I think that is precisely the point. I think we have limitations. We need each other to overcome those limitations. I think God has to have a reason to put so many people here. It makes it more likely to find someone you need. It makes it more likely for someone who needs to find me. Just like the law pointing to our need for Jesus, our need points us to each other.

Uncommen Questions: 

Do you need someone’s help? How often do you ask for it?

Does someone need your help? How often do you look at the task more than the person asking?

Uncommen Challenge:

Don’t be too independent. Help someone in need. Kept in balance, helping others can be a beautiful ministry. But sometimes asking for help is as much about the ministry of fellowship as it is about the task. Be open to your dependence on others.


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