Do You Obey God’s Commands?

Our daughters both started dancing at around 4-years old. They both loved it. Jordyn felt like she could breathe a little better when she was dancing. One of her best friends applied for the Free Spirit Award at Hays High after Jordyn died. When asked what role dancing had played in her life, she replied: “What role does oxygen play in your life?” She explained that she ended up dancing to feel relief from the grief. Dancing connected her to Jordyn. It connected her with God. She felt called to obey God’s commands.

“…a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” — Ecclesiastes 3:4 ESV

Aly went on a more competitive circuit, and they were legit. She did everything from solos to a large group, and she amazed me every time I watched her. It also gave her an outlet to push herself. She is tall and, for years, would slump her shoulders or bend at the knee to not stand out. Her dance teacher challenged her on that. It was okay to stand out. She has done that her entire life since.

Dancing Like Nobody Is Watching

So, our family has a lot of history with dance. Maybe that is why the young man I want to talk about has been on my heart. His name is Aaron. If you have spent much time driving around our beautiful little city, you have seen him. He dances in all conditions. I have seen him in snow and 110-degree heat, at midnight and noon. He always has a smile on his face, and he means it. Genuine would be the word I would use to describe him. I am encouraged every time I see him and am also challenged because I could sometimes be more enthusiastic about the calling that I am trying to pursue.

I asked him why he does what he does. Simple question, complicated answer. He explained that he has always loved to dance. After he found a relationship with Jesus, he realized that dance could be more than just moving. He found it was an outlet to connect with God, to worship. He realized that feeling close to God was the draw. It’s just that God wanted him to do it in a public setting, the street specifically.

Obey God’s Commands so… Dance!

I feel like if you wanted to torture Aaron, making him stand still might be the way to do it. He has learned through his dancing that if God has told you to do something, it does not matter what anyone else thinks of it. Our city is not very diverse. People have called the police about him numerous times. It turns out he just reasoned that he could witness to police officers after they are called. People ask him when he is going to do something with his life. He told me, “I am. I am doing what He told me to do.”

Obedience does not always come easy. Some people think he is crazy. Sometimes even he feels like that. And at times, God’s directives don’t make sense here. He has learned not to hold on to either burdens or glories. Those belong to God. Obey God’s Commands! Aaron is gifted, creative, and obedient. I can learn from his example. He has figured out how to be a scripture student and maintain childlike faith and enthusiasm for the Savior.

The Holy Spirit Empowers

I had two people tell me this week that I looked or sounded tired. Fatigue is real; I understand that. But I sometimes forget that I should be more careful about how I transfer the Holy Spirit’s energy in me to others. No one has ever walked away from a conversation with Aaron feeling less enthused. I cannot say that.

Believers are, as Aaron puts it, “Gifted and Free.” Do I live like it? How about you? We can be in pursuit of created things or the creator of all things. Where does most of my energy go? Yours?


Author: Rick Claiborn

For more reading materials on Do You Obey God’s Commands?, see below:


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