The Importance of Accountability in the Church
Tags: Prayer

Our scripture reminds us of the importance of accountability in the life of the believer.

1 Timothy 5:20 ā€” “Those who continue in sin, rebuke in the presence of all, so that the rest also will be fearful of sinning.”Ā 

Every day I begin my devotion in prayer. I ask God to clear my conscience so I can bask in the wisdom of His Words. After reading the word, I begin to go into deep prayer and then write that prayer in my prayer journal. This journal has all of my thanks, all of my request and all of my sin.

The Importance of Accountability

Each day I write down my sins and ask for forgiveness. I try to remind myself not to commit that sin again. But yet it seems I am asking for forgiveness for the same sin again and again and again. Not every day but way too often. But what would happen if people were to announce my sin or your sin? What if your sins were posted on the internet or TV or newspaper? More than likely you would become fearful of that sin.Ā 

Why Accountability Matters | PPG Ad

Timothy talks about this very thing. He reminds the leaders of the church, that if any one of the elders are in sin that they should confidentially confront them. But if that person were to continue to sin, that they should make it public. The point of making it public is to scare anyone else who might think itā€™s OK to sin and hopefully make people fearful to even sin in the first place.

Do You Fear Sin? | Accountability Matters

So I ask, do you fear sin? Are you so scared of sin that you avoid it? Most of us donā€™t. First: Accountability- Find someone you can confide in and share your sin. Ask that person to hold you accountable and keep you from making that sin. Second- is to write down everyone in your life that would be affected by that sin if you were caught. If your sin were made public today, how many people would it affect?

As a pastor, any sin that I commit has so many ramifications that I try hard not to allow myself the opportunity to get into a bad situation. I know I am weak and would be easily lead astray. So I stay in the word, pray and talk to my accountability partner regularly. Donā€™t fall into Satanā€™s trap. Since you canā€™t do this alone, seek help from God and friends.Ā 

God bless and share your faith,

Pastor Jody, lead pastor of Ignite Church.

For more reading materials on the importance of accountability in the church, we recommend these articles:



  1. Concerned Subscriber

    Does anyone edit these posts before theyā€™re published? Time and time again, I find the posts riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. This one is no different.

    ā€œfind someone to tell you most secret sins to.ā€

    ā€œIf It were made public today of sin in your life, how and many people would it effect?ā€

    • Tj Todd

      Thank you for the feedback. This is the process we go through with all of our content.

      – Write article or volunteer provides article
      – Pass article through Grammarly (paid service) for grammatical errors and typos
      – The article is read by another team member if possible
      – Images are researched for use
      – Blog post created and scheduled

      The process is repeated over and over til the latest count was over 250 articles and that doesn’t include devotionals. There is no excuse for mistakes and our process is obviously not perfect, but we are trying.

      PS – we are always in need of help with this process. So, if you or anyone would like to be a editor for our content, please let us know.

      Thank you

      • Brad

        That was a kind way to respond. Thank you for serving men and trying to help them have a better walk with Jesus.

        • Tj Todd

          Thank you Brad. With sooooo many moving parts to this ministry and such a small team, there is always room for improvement. I understand what he was talking about and I dislike mistakes as well. But we will always try to answer with Truth & Grace to any and all feedback.

          Press on Brothers!!!!

          Stay Uncommen!

    • Tom Edge

      I see grammatical & wording errors in most everything I read as well as written words & scrolling on tv. Of course a good proof reader is invaluable, but things do slip through. I was taken by the message of the devotional & valued hearing how you pray at the beginning of your time with our LORD. I was motivated to do the same! I do not want my selfish thoughts broadcast & I hate my sins affect on/in my life & those I love. Thanks for the devotion.

    • Ty

      Dear Concerned,
      I understand your conviction for the ideals of grammarians everywhere.
      The preface of being an UNCOMMEN reader, reminds us to be different,be godly, be wise and be accountable. That being said, ā€œBe Niceā€ The absence of love is fear. Donā€™t fear! God loves you and who you are. You donā€™t have to hide behind a monicker….Stand up Man! When pointing out oneā€™s deficiencies, please steer clear of any political correctness. Use your own name. Donā€™t hide and point!
      In UNCOMMENLY Brotherly Love,

      • Ron L

        Excellent Ty

    • Joshua Jay McCombs

      Dear Concerned,
      Did you think that maybe that English could be their second language?
      Just a thought.

  2. Paul Ybarra

    Good morning!! Great content and insight. Does your organization write all of it, or can people submit an article? I understand it would have to be reviewed and accepted to post, but was just wondering. Thanks. God Bless. Paul

  3. samuelhruschak

    I would be happy to help proof/edit articles. ?

  4. Chris

    I’m neither a husband nor a dad, but I find these posts to be great for my development as a man and am deeply thankful for them. They always show up in my inbox just in time as I go through my normal day in the world. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Albert

    I absolutely love these posts, thanks again for the advice of finding someone to be held responsible for my sins.

    • Tj Todd

      Well, we are not saying to find someone to held responsible for your sin, but rather someone to encourage and support you through the process

  6. Clint L.

    Thank you all for your ministry! Iā€™d be happy to assist with proofreading your articles as well!

  7. Tim S

    Thankyou Uncommen and those who contribute. Ive been in a twelve step recovery program for nearly eight years and one thing I’ve had to learn, when listening to, or reading a testimony, I’m to look for the similarities, and don’t focus on the differences. The content in somthing shared spirituality is so much more than words. Bless you ALL!

  8. Jim

    I want to give a big shout out to everyone involved with Uncommen! I found this site and subscribed after doing many Uncommen plans on the You Version Bible app. This site and the plans have been extremely beneficial to me as a Christian, a husband and a father. I share so much of your content with my wife that she wishes there was a site like this for women. She has seen your work make a difference in me and is appreciative of you all as well. Thank you!

    • Tj Todd

      Amen Jim! May God get all the Glory!


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