Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

Same Storm, Different Boats

Same Storm, Different Boats

I hardly ever give any of my time listening to celebrities and their opinions on current events. But I did hear one say, "we are all going through this together." It occurred to me that while we are all going through the same storm, we are not all in the same boat....

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Pursuing God in and out of Trials

Pursuing God in and out of Trials

It's April 16th as I write this article, and it seems like everyone is waiting for the "All Clear" to be given around the COVID-19 virus. We're streaming shows, zooming virtual groups, ordering groceries, walking around the neighborhoods all waiting....

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How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

How To Be Intentional With Your Kids, Even In A Storm

When our kids become adults, they could look back at this crisis as the best moment of their lives. However, this isn’t going to happen on its own. Fathering requires intentionality and proximity. This virus gives us an opportunity for both. Here's how to be...

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The New Normal and How God Works Through Trials

The New Normal and How God Works Through Trials

Have you ever thought about how God works through trials? I hate the term “New Normal.” I started writing this post four different times until I realized I was trying to avoid these two words. The first time I heard them was a few days after our daughter died. Someone...

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