
Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

We Should Avoid Harsh Words With Our Loved Ones

We Should Avoid Harsh Words With Our Loved Ones

Have you ever been the recipient ever or the deliverer of harsh words? I was considering this recently. "Hurry up!" my mom yelled. We were running late as usual. 7th grade was tough enough, but add in being late almost every morning, and it made it almost...

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What makes an UNCOMMEN Father?

What makes an UNCOMMEN Father?

What makes an UNCOMMEN Father? Deuteronomy 4:9 — "Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's...

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God Delights in His Children

God Delights in His Children

For me, I'm a Dad and a husband, and I love both roles. My most considerable growth as a Christian has been because of being a husband and a father. I've been able to understand a lot more about God when I became both roles. I know why God does what He does, why the...

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New Year’s Resolutions for UNCOMMEN Dad’s

Welcome to 2017! I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. As a matter of fact, my standard resolution is not to make any. How’s that for a resolution? However, as I watch my two children, who are 5 and 2, get a little bit bigger and a little bit older each year, I keep...

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9 Ways You Can Practice Active Parenting

9 Ways You Can Practice Active Parenting

Do you practice active parenting? Or, are you content with the view from afar? This thought piqued some curiosity. Here's a question we asked the UNCOMMEN Community recently... What is the most recent milestone you've seen your child accomplish? We received a wide...

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