Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
How to Communicate With Your Children
Learning how to communicate with your children is tough. Have you ever felt like getting your kids to open up and talk to you is like trying to open up Fort Knox? Dads, it time to listen up. Don’t Be a Jack and let those moments slip by. It’s time to engage your...
Dad, You Need To Be Active In Your Children’s Lives
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." — Proverbs 22:6 I read an article once that was titled "How To Be a Better Father," which, of course, I felt I needed to read. It started at ten and worked its way down to the...
Uncommen Goals: Dads
Okay, Dad, it’s time to put away the Christmas sweaters and get ready for the start of the year. Your wife may be talking about starting a new diet as a family, and your employer may want to you to turn in what your objectives are for the first quarter. But we would...
How To Be A Father Like How God Parents His Children
We are going to look at how God parents us as His children and apply this to our relationships with our children. This is intended to be encouraging and helpful, as you grow in your relationship with your children and with God. This will help you learn how to be a...
Raising Children
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4 Someone once asked me a question that still makes me laugh. A friend of mine was looking for parenting advice regarding his son's behaviors....
Raising A Legacy
The ultrasound bill came in the mail. I laughed. $650 is a lot of money for what amounted to 10 seconds of work. My wife and I have two sons, ages 5 and 3. There’s another child on the way. So, when we went to learn the gender of Kid No. 3, there were plenty of cheers...