Uncommen Articles
Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT
Grandparenting Must Be Intentional
I love my grandchildren! I guess most grandparents love their grandkids. God gives us this bond with them. I’ve analyzed this at length, and part of it has to do with getting a mini do-over. We get to be a “shadow” parent, not real parents, but right behind. Another...
Uncommen Goals: Dads
Okay, Dad, it’s time to put away the Christmas sweaters and get ready for the start of the year. Your wife may be talking about starting a new diet as a family, and your employer may want to you to turn in what your objectives are for the first quarter. But we would...
Raising A Legacy
The ultrasound bill came in the mail. I laughed. $650 is a lot of money for what amounted to 10 seconds of work. My wife and I have two sons, ages 5 and 3. There’s another child on the way. So, when we went to learn the gender of Kid No. 3, there were plenty of cheers...
Imperfect Parents Can Still Teach Godly Truths
Imperfect parents can still teach Godly truths. Father's Day is a time to celebrate what our fathers mean to us. But not everyone had the kind of close relationship with their fathers they would have liked. For some, the day can trigger painful emotions and memories....
3 Things Every Son Needs From Their Father
Dad’s listen up. There is something absolutely wonderful about being a dad to sons. Raising sons is a noble and important task. Part of the reason Uncommen was founded was because of the fatherhood crisis we are seeing in our society today. Look up the stats and you...
How To Be A Great Dad
estimated read time: 3min Proverbs 20:7 The righteous who walks in his integrity— blessed are his children after him! Psalm 103:13 As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child...