
Uncommen Articles

Husbands – Dads – Leaders – MIT

How to Win Your Wife

Do you remember any books you read from the 5th grade? Maybe it was a Choose Your Own Adventure tale, 101 Ways to Eat Fried Worms, or the one about a Lion, a Witch, and a Wardrobe. The one that immediately comes to my mind? How to Win Friends and Influence People by...

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Brew Your Bride

She likes it hot. Her coffee that is. Every morning at 6:30 am, her alarm clock goes off and she hits the snooze button. At 6:33 I attempt to gently shake her out of her stupor with the burring sound of grinding coffee. In just four short minutes, her enthusiasm to...

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Stress and Fitness

Stress. How Are You Coping with It?  Is it Killing You? Life and stress – they go hand in hand. You will experience lots of stress in your life. There is no getting around it. I believe that the degree to which you effectively manage and cope with the stressors in...

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Fitness and Your Future

It was the Spring of 2013. My wife was in the hospital for at least the fifth time. Some months earlier she had suffered a stroke for no apparent reason. 36 years old, relatively healthy, mother of four. The doctors were at a loss as to the exact reason, but all we...

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Make Every Night Game Night

Here’s how a typical conversation with my kids on the way home from school goes, “so how was your day?” Response from my third grader, “Good.” Response from my kindergartner, “Fine.” And if I don’t press, that’s the end of our convo. The next 20 minutes we listen to...

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Give Her a Break

Give Her a Break

by Making Dinner Happen “What’s for dinner?” Hear those 3 little words every day for years on end and you’ll want to run screaming! By any chance could that be how your wife feels right about now??? Even though I love to cook (or at least I did before I had to cook...

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