Hebrews 12:1-3 ~Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
How It All Started: An Uncommen 10 Years
In 2012, Greg and Amanda Cash had a burden on their hearts to encourage husbands, dads, and leaders in their everyday lives. So Uncommen was born to reach men and impact them, their families, and communities worldwide. First, they started developing an app, and then, in 2016, we began to focus on content development and resources for men.
Praise God we have reached men in every corner of the world in some form or fashion. We have small groups in Kenya, Russia, Iceland, and Great Britain, to name a few. We have ministries using our content in India, Singapore, China, Africa, and many more places. We have members worldwide and several churches and ministries who use our content for their men’s ministry.
Our content is available on several platforms (YouVersion, Olive Tree, and Back To The Bible (BTTB).
I’m telling you this to let you know we’re just starting. Despite the mountain of work we’ve put in the last ten years, I feel like we have just hit second gear. You’ll see changes to our writing schedule, new content resources, and more. We are getting more strategic behind the scenes as we streamline our content flow. We are trying to increase our rankings and reach. We are looking to grow our partnership, advertising, and donors.
You can visit our 10th Anniversary page to see a timeline of how we have grown over the last decade.
Uncommen Indeed
This is a big deal because 98% of businesses fail in the first year. 98% of the remaining 2% fail in the next five years. The National Center on Charitable Statistics data reveals that approximately 30% of non-profits fail to exist after ten years. According to Forbes, over half of all non-profits fail within a few years due to leadership issues and the lack of strategic planning, among other things.
Since most non-profits are entirely reliant on donations (like Uncommen is), I’m surprised that number is not 98% of them fail.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention going through a worldwide pandemic, inflation, and coming soon to your kitchen table conversation…a recession.
What’s Next
Well, we will continue to pray over this ministry that God gives us wisdom and the ability to communicate effectively. We are going to try to continue to work smarter and not harder. We have had our foot on the pedal for many years, giving us a ton of content. We will update and repurpose older content, deliver our Devos on our website, and change our writing schedule, to name a few things.
We will also be expanding our Membership and Charter packages. So while you’ll notice a price increase on our packages, they will have more features.
If you are already a member, your pricing WILL NOT CHANGE.
UPDATED: Phase 3
In this phase, we will repurpose content, streamline its flow and work on backend projects.
- Repurpose older content (rewrites)
- Start to publish our devotions early on our website/app to benefit Members and App users
- 6 new originals per year (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov)
- 6 new workbooks per year (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec)
- 6 new devotionals per year (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov)
- 9 virtual Bible studies per year (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov)
- Lifetime Charter Free upgrade for all active charters
- Expanding our partnership network
- Continue to evolve our newsletter to provide diverse information
- Continue to build our presence on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube with short videos
- Look to double our on-going donors
- Feature new branded gear
- Looking for 5 more volunteer writers (Blogs, Devos, Originals)
- We will choose 6 Devos and do complimentary videos for each
- Go Live on FB, IG, and TT 2 times per year – Introduce Study / Recap Study
Thank You
We couldn’t end this article without thanking all the people who have prayed, served, financially supported, partnered, written, and encouraged us along the way. There are days when we need to go back and pray and reread the testimonials from men who have found value. I pray that we have encouraged not only believers but also reached the lost. If only one man who didn’t know Christ comes to salvation, it’s been worth every article, meeting, and uphill climb.
I also want to thank every person I’ve leaned on, vented to, picked your brain, and asked for your help. Thank you to those poor guys and our internal team who have had to listen to me and my crazy (ever-changing) ideas.
And remember ~ YOU ARE UNCOMMEN!
Never fail to have the right words at the right time.