
Accepting the Challenge for Biblical Manhood In Modern Times

Biblical manhood in modern times is becoming less popular. The bar is set low. It wasn’t always the case, but it sure seems like men have lost their way. I don’t know if it’s our politically correct culture where everyone gets offended by the slightest thing or if men just lost it over the years. I guess if you watched your dad mail it in, that would be what you based what a dad should be. 

Romans 8:37 — “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Maybe your dad wasn’t around at all, and your mom had to fill in the gap (here’s to you mom for being AWESOME)! Perhaps you had no one to challenge you to do better. Whatever the reason, it’s time to get off the sofa and get back to being the dad you were always meant to be. There are many types of Dads, but these tend to get all the headlines.

Ways Men Have Fallen Short of Biblical Manhood in Modern Times


Some kids mimic what their dad does, and if your dad was not the best role model, then you may have unknowingly picked up some bad habits.


Some kids look at their dad and realize very early that they are not the husband/dad/leader they want to be when they grow up. It is sad once you look at your dad in a different light when you realized he’s not the hero you wanted him to be.

Biblical Manhood Should Be Expected In Modern Days


Some kids don’t even have the luxury of having a dad in their lives. This issue has only gotten worse as 53% of marriages end in divorce in the US. It’s over 60% in other countries.


Some kids don’t have to go to school to deal with a bully. Some men have no business being a dad. They are not geared to be that role model. These tend to be very abusive, mean, self-centered individuals who wind up doing real damage to their children in the long run.


Some kids have to be the adult in many situations. This is the dad that mails it in wherever he can. He lets his wife or kids do all the work, decisions, bills, chores, and more. They sit on the sofa or the recliner and bark out orders for food and beer. The only effort he gives is when he has to go to work, and his favorite saying is: “go ask your mother.”

Center of attention

Some kids don’t get the care they need as they always have to turn over the spotlight. This dad is so focused on being the focal point of everyone in the room that he has no time for anyone else. They are usually trying to be the funniest, loudest person in the room.

UNCOMMEN Men Exhibit Biblical Manhood

On the flip side, there are Uncommen men out there that are killing it at being a dad. Men who are active in their children’s lives. They are supportive, engaging, Godly examples, protectors, providers, driving instructors, and much more. But you rarely get the headlines. They seem to be too few and far between.

It’s time to move that bar back to where it should be. The bar should set on Christ. If you are setting your sights on Him, there would be no room for the categories listed above.

About the Author: Tj Todd is the President of UNCOMMEN and the CEO of Studio490 Creative Services.

For more reading materials on Biblical manhood in modern times, consider these materials:



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