It’s goal setting season, which prompts an important question. Do you know the difference between a goal and a dream?
Dream: I want to lose 20 pounds, so I’m going on a diet.
Goal: I’m going to lose 20 pounds by July 1st by changing what I eat and exercising three times a week. I have monthly and weekly milestones to help me achieve my goal. With hard work and support, I’m going to do it!
See a difference? Get specific, set attainable goals and get support.
So why are we talking about goals? Because Uncommen just had more growth in 2017 than in all of our previous years combined. But we are not about to rest on those stats. We are pressing toward a more significant set of goals in 2018, and we need your help to get there. Before we start with what the goals are, let’s talk about the “why.”
Why does Uncommen do what we do? Why do we write until our hands hurt? Why do we spend so much time on the phone talking about Uncommen with people? The reason is, the world needs men to be the Husbands, Dads, and Leaders God always meant us to be. We try to encourage men to be just that.
When men don’t invest in themselves to be better for their families, our wives or someone else has to step up in our stead. Our children look for leadership and advice elsewhere. Our communities start to fade into the background instead of being a vibrant patchwork of people and talents. Men, the bell has rung, the bat signal is in the sky, and whatever other symbols you need to realize that you are required.
So what are our goals? Well, let’s start with a couple from 2017 and see how they did and then we’ll list a few for 2018 to get a perspective.
2017 Snapshot
Goal: Establish 15 Charters nationwide.
Results: We established 18 Charters. 17 in the US and 1 in Europe.
Goal: Setup two streams of revenue to help offset the cost of operations.
Results: We set up six (Charters, Store, Studies, Sponsors, Wristbands, and Promotions).
Goal: Get three Sponsors.
Results: We now have eight on-going sponsors that either pay or cross-promote Uncommen.
Goal: Reach 20,000 emails in our database.
Results: We reached 22,000 emails to men and women around the world
Goal: Hit 7,000 Facebook Fans.
Results: We hit 8,000 Facebook Fans.
2018 Snapshot
Goal: Establish thirty Charters nationwide and five international.
How: We communicate our need through the website and social. We target new states and countries. We also lean on our current charters to spread the word.
Goal: Increase donations to help offset operating costs and reach more men.
How: We are going to be developing promotions around art (like the Jack canvas), apparel and giving away an Uncommen Charter!
Goal: Increase our reach.
How: We are going to get strategic about partnerships and look to increase our reach by getting on Podcasts and Radio.
Goal: Increase sponsorship.
How: We are looking to increase the number of paid sponsorships by making the packages and reach more worth the investment. We are going to increase the number of cross-promotions that benefit both sides.
We have many more goals than these, but we wanted to show you that we also strive to get better every day.
This world would be unrecognizable if every man were the Husband, Dad and Leader they should be to their family, company, communities and themselves!
Now be Uncommen!
Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
About the author: Tj is the CEO of Studio490 Creative Services and Uncommen.
I wouldn’t have the time at the moment to lead one , but definitely would be a member and could have a few other men possibly join , if a Chapter opened up in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. (GTA: Greater Toronto Area).
God bless what you do !
Alright Mississauga, Ontario, Canada… we are looking an Uncommen man to step up and start a Charter. Looks like you have men ready to join.
Do we have a volunteer? or do we still need a volunteer? (Four Christmases Reference)
Thank you all for the work you do. Yes indeed men need to step up to be the leaders, husbands and dads God intends. God bless you
I would like information on a charter or group. I live in the Detroit area.
Steve, I just send you an email with this info. But I’m including the info here as well.
Charter packages –
You can view more information about the Charters here –
If you like what you see and are ready to move forward with a package, you can purchase the charter package you want and we can get you setup with the printed and digital materials.
Thank you