10 ways Christians can thrive and be at peace during Covid-19

You can have peace during Covid-19

Covid-19 is a scary and anxiety-inducing thing for many people. However,  Christians can have peace during Covid-19 and even thrive through it.

1. Seek and share accurate information

It doesn’t take much to cause panic in the public psyche today, and it takes even less to cause people to embrace fear. If you have watched or read the news, you can see people are panic shopping (The Great Toliet Paper Shortage of 2020), even resulting in violence in some situations. The Covid-19 virus is a medical emergency and should be treated as such, but we should treat this as a spiritual emergency as well. No-one benefits from confusion and fear, so let’s keep our focus on God, who is still in control of all things. 

Christians can stay grounded by seeking accurate information from medical organizations such as Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization and only sharing facts and truthful information, not more misinformation through social media.

2. Do not have a spirit of fear

For some, fear is the go-to when it comes to situations like Covid-19, but the Bible tells us not to let fear take hold in our lives. If you are looking for something to calm your spirit and remove the fear we are all being faced with, spend this extra time reading God’s promises.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. – Isaiah 41:10

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. – 2 Timothy 1:7

There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out fear. – 1 John 4:18

3. Have good personal hygiene

It’s probably a sign that it took a world-wide virus to get us all to start washing our hands. An excellent place to start is to read what the CDC recommends to prevent sickness and the spreading of COVID-19. We need to have a personal reflection, but a public reference to understand what we should and shouldn’t be doing. 

Just because you are healthy and strong enough to fight off the virus doesn’t mean that others around you will be. And just because you don’t currently have symptoms doesn’t mean you aren’t infected or incapable of spreading the virus to others. 

If you’re not sick:

  • Avoid contact with those who are sick. 
  • Wash your hands frequently. (Minimum of once per hour)
  • Try to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
  • If you can avoid public places, stay at home.
  • Understand that quarantines help slow the spread of COVID-19.

If you are sick or think you might be sick:

  • Stay home. You will just spread your sickness by going out. 
  • Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.
  • Wash your hands frequently. (Minimum of once per hour)
  • Disinfect surfaces in your home several times per week.
  • Wear a face mask and gloves if available.

People need to be socially conscious, considerate, and diligent in practicing personal hygiene. This is an easy way for us to have peace during covid-19.

4. Prioritize compassion over convenience

We are a society of convenience, and some are probably experiencing an interruption of that for the first time. We tend to want things when we want them and may not be used to adjusting those wants for the greater good. To help reduce the spread of the virus, people have to avoid places they may always go-to for comfort and enjoyment. There have been adjustments made and probably more to come to these and other areas of life.

  • Event centers
  • Sporting arenas
  • Public gatherings 
  • Restaurants and Bars
  • Supermarket supplies
  • Medical Access

While some of these may impact you more than others, these adjustments will dramatically reduce the number of people who will be exposed to the coronavirus in the coming months. 

Yes, our personal comforts may be restricted or put on hold for a short time, but it is a small price to pay for the health and safety of others.

“do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:4-5

5. Leave supplies for others

Panic purchasing and stockpiling have caused the shortages we are experiencing today. Only buy what you need and leave some for the other person who may be in a much worse situation than you are in. Ways you can help:

  • Respiratory masks. Surgical masks are vital for doctors and nurses, and without them, they cannot treat sick patients.
  • Wash your hands with soap when possible. This helps save hand sanitizers for hospitals, first responders, and trauma centers.
  • Use Tap or Filtered water. This helps those who may not have the option of filtered water.
  • Share baby formula. Don’t stockpile baby formula as some mothers simply cannot breastfeed and rely upon this to feed their babies. 

Remember, God has promised to be your daily bread (Luke 11:1-4) and provide for all of your needs (Philippians 4:19Matthew 6:25-34). As Jesus said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”



6. Donate to school ministries, contribute to employees out of work and support local businesses

Some children only eat when they attend school, so it’s important to look for a way to donate to a ministry that helps supplement those meals. A great ministry to support is Caterpillar Ministries 

Some employees are experiencing short-term layoffs and can’t even look for new employment due to the virus closings. 

Local restaurants who are open could use your business. While they may not offer in-restaurant dining, they probably do offer drive-thru and or delivery services. Even buying a gift card is a great way to infuse some much need revenue into your favorite place to eat. Help others have peace during covid-19.

“if anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” 1 John 3:17

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'” Matthew 25:40

7. Don’t quarantine yourself from the body of Christ

Yes, you cannot attend the regular church service you are have been for the last several years, but it’s not an excuse to seclude yourself from others. Technology is a beautiful thing and offers a wide array of options for you and me to “gather” with other believers.

  • Attend your church service online
  • Join a Watch party with others to view a sermon
  • Facetime a friend you usually have coffee with
  • Start or join a group text with your family, friends and small group
  • Call someone that you want to pray with
  • Never overlook prayer as a powerful way to stay connected to the body of Christ

During his missionary travels, Paul often longed to meet with fellow believers but wasn’t able to. That did not stop him from writing to them and praying for them (Romans 1:8-11). This is a way we can have peace during covid-19.

8. Be the church

During times of fear and uncertainty, we have an opportunity to be the church to those who may not know Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16). Just think if each Christian reflected Jesus, served, and supported his fellow person during this challenging season. we could have a powerful impact for Jesus, loving people as Jesus loves them (John 3:16).

9. Exercise the power of prayer

We may not be able to go out to eat, get coffee, or worship in person with each other, but prayer can happen anyplace and at any time. This should always be our greatest tool in times of peace or unrest. 

10. Trust in God

While the news around the coronavirus may be sobering and may even get worse before it gets better, God is still on the throne. You can have peace during covid-19.  He has not lost control and doesn’t have to get a handle on this situation. 

This may be a wake-up call for all people to turn back to God.

“if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14


  1. Paul E Veerman

    Good job. Who wrote the article? You should have their name on it.

    • Tj Todd

      Paul, thank you for the feedback. I wrote the article myself. I read a bunch of articles, researched, listened to a few people speak on the topic and then wrote the article.

      • Louis Harrison

        Amazing job! I am a disaster responder leader for the Panhandle Chapter of The American Red Cross. I’m also a Christian man. The way you’ve melded the physical and spiritual needs of our society is sure to bring some folks to our Father’s Grace, and sure to strengthen the faith of those who already believe and rely upon His blessings in our lives. Thank you sooo much for putting out accurate information on the “whole” problem. All are called; let’s pray for hearing and listening. Amen.

        • Tj Todd

          Louis, thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for your service at the Red Cross.

          Stay Uncommen!

          • Marlon Gilbert-Roberts

            Thank you for this encouraging text. It has really given me perspective.

  2. Darryl Miller

    Thank You 🙏
    our God is Sovereign!

  3. J Sulek

    TJ, thank you so much for the article! Well said! 🙏

  4. Brian Chambers

    Great article.

    • Peace mwanje

      Thank you very much that is powerful.

  5. Michael Ahmadi

    Clearly I am behind on my reading, but catching up on these articles. This is very well written and I will be sharing on social media for a bit of positivity for once. Thank you for this ministry it is making a difference in people’s lives. God bless.


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