Uncommen Team Building

With a mission to inspire and challenge men to be the Husband, Dad and Leader they were always meant to be, we were going to need some help. When we started to assemble the Uncommen team we were looking for anyone who was willing to help. As we have grown over the years we have been strategic in adding to that team. While we’re always thankful for those willing to help, we would benefit from people who have certain skills.

We found we needed help in the following areas in order to grow and reach more men around the world.

• Godly people praying for this ministry

• Financial supports (big, small, and ongoing)

• Volunteer grant writers

• Professional fundraiser (that may be an organization rather than a person)

• Volunteer writers who have a heart for God and a story to tell

• Staff that is willing to learn new skills and throw themselves at tasks when no one else would

• Encouragement because Men’s ministry is not for the faint of heart



The Current Uncommen Team


Tj is the President of UNCOMMEN and CEO of Studio490. Tj has been involved in men’s ministry for over 20 years ranging from leading small groups, rec leagues, community projects and has been the leader of Uncommen for more than 7 years. He has been married to his Jr. High sweetheart for over 33 years, has two sons who are active in ministry as well. 

Tj has a heart for people and wants to see men become the Husband, Dad, and Leader they were always meant to be.  Contact: [email protected]

Greg Cash is the Chairman of UNCOMMEN.  As a couple, Greg and Amanda desire to see families changed by men becoming uncommon in all areas of their lives. Their passion is to see a decrease in the number of fatherless homes.  Greg has served entrepreneurs and high net worth families since 1997 after graduating from the University of Virginia with a BA in Economics. Greg is a Certified Financial Planner, also holds the title of Business Financial Advisor within his firm. He lives in Charlotte, NC with his wife Amanda, son Graham and daughter Lillian.

Board Members:

Daniel Trimpey, Lew Everling, and Gerry Elemento

The Uncommen Staff:

From the crew who spend countless hours in discussions, meetings, emails, social, writing, marketing, design, web, and prayer, we thank you. All we can say is, thank God for coffee!

Financial Supports:

We are very thankful for the supporters of Uncommen. We need them and many more like them.


We are thankful for our volunteers that serve as writers, board members, counselors, social squad, and more. Go Team!


If you ever have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]